New Year, New Smile

Every January, millions of people are ready to change their lives for the better in the new year. Sometimes, it’s to lose weight, eat healthier, or promote at work. But there is one option that could really boost your health and your life in a variety of ways – no gym needed. Your St. Pete dentist, Dr. Brian Leeson, encourages you to make a unique resolution – new year, new smile! A happy and healthy smile boosts your physical well-being. And, it can also give you more confidence to help you make another positive improvement in your life. Below, we share how you can improve your smile in 2021.

Improve Your Smile, Be Confident

Dentists all over agree that oral health will make or break your smile. Our close friend and cosmetic dentist Shreveport LA, Dr. Ben Kacos, explains some habits of those that aren’t confident with their smiles. These habits include unintentionally covering their mouths with their hands or shying away from contact with others. This can influence confidence, making it difficult to do things like apply for a raise or approach new people.

This can cause self-esteem to suffer, and forego opportunities for a happier, more fulfilling life. Others can also view your actions as being stand-off or aloof unless you plan to do so.

However, if you’re satisfied with your teeth, you’ll feel relaxed and secure while talking to others in a personal and professional environment. You’ll feel confident during business meetings, a date, a presentation, or a lesson. Getting a bright smile will make a difference between reaching positive goals in your life and only sitting on the sidelines for another year. 

Your Body and Dental Hygiene

If you’ve been thinking about improving your health in 2021, you may want to start with your mouth. The list of diseases associated with poor oral health is lengthy. From heart disease to Alzheimer’s to osteoporosis, research has shown that an unhealthy mouth can contribute to health problems across the body.

The good news is, there are a few easy things you can do to improve your oral health this year. Dr. Leeson recommends starting with regular fluoride toothpaste brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist every six months is important for healthy teeth. Replace your toothbrush at least every three months, or earlier if it shows signs of wear.

Visit Your Dentist in St. Pete

If you have pain, bleeding, or other issues in your mouth, tell your emergency dentist at St. Petersburg, FL. Much like you should see your doctor regularly for health issues and screening, your dentist should be an integral member of your health care team. Problems such as cavities and gum disease can be treated with the aid of a trained dentist – and the earlier they are treated, the better. And if you have lost your teeth or problems with misaligned teeth, these problems can be fixed to give you a happy and healthy smile. 
With a little extra work and commitment to your dental hygiene, you will be on your way to a more beautiful smile, a healthy body, and a wonderful year! If you need to schedule an appointment or need a smile consultation, contact 4th Street Family Dentistry today!

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