How Fluoride Fights Cavities

how fluoride fights cavities - St. pete dentist

How Fluoride Fights Cavities

Practicing good oral hygiene should be a high priority, especially for adults. For some, worrying about their teeth as well as their children’s can be difficult. Only about 32% of people say they are “concerned about the appearance of their teeth”. However, there are many dental problems that affect millions of people around the world. Fluoride treatments have become a common choice in the dental community, but the average dental patient is not fully aware of the ins and outs of this type of dental treatment. St. Pete dentist, Dr. Leeson, shares how fluoride fights cavities and improves oral health! 

What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a natural mineral present in most food and water—the use of this mineral helps prevent tooth decay and improves tooth enamel.

What is the Primary Application of Fluoride Treatment? 

Fluoride can either be applied to the teeth via toothpaste and mouthwash, it can be ingested through water and some meals, and it can also be applied as a gel, foam, or varnish.

When are Children Expected to Start Using Fluoride? 

Many dentists in St. Pete agree that it is necessary for infants and children between 6 months and 16 years of age to be exposed to fluoride. There is a timeframe between six and 16 when permanent teeth come in, so it is important to reinforce them as much as possible during that time by using fluoride.

Should Adults get Fluoride Treatment?

Studies have shown topical fluoride applications create a significant benefit for adults with moderate to high cavities. Georgetown, KY dentist, Dr. Kristina Neda, says fluoride can help protect the margins of restorative work such as crowns or bridges. Therefore, fluoride treatments are recommended for adults! Dr. Brian Leeson adds that fluoride could be just the thing to keep your neglect from leading to cavities between your teeth.

Will the Treatment with Fluoride have any Other Benefits?

Yes! If you or your child have a history of recurrent cavities, dry mouth problems, or gum disease, additional fluoride may provide great dental benefits. While it’s crucial that you’re at least a little knowledge about what’s going on in the dental world, your best bet is to consult a dental professional. Visit a St. Petersburg FL dentist for all your dental needs.
We always prioritize our patients’ health, safety, and comfort. If you have some kind of toothache and need emergency dentistry in St. Petersburg, FL, please contact 4th Street Family Dentistry today.

New Year, New Smile

How to improve your smile - st. pete dentist

New Year, New Smile

Every January, millions of people are ready to change their lives for the better in the new year. Sometimes, it’s to lose weight, eat healthier, or promote at work. But there is one option that could really boost your health and your life in a variety of ways – no gym needed. Your St. Pete dentist, Dr. Brian Leeson, encourages you to make a unique resolution – new year, new smile! A happy and healthy smile boosts your physical well-being. And, it can also give you more confidence to help you make another positive improvement in your life. Below, we share how you can improve your smile in 2021.

Improve Your Smile, Be Confident

Dentists all over agree that oral health will make or break your smile. Our close friend and cosmetic dentist Shreveport LA, Dr. Ben Kacos, explains some habits of those that aren’t confident with their smiles. These habits include unintentionally covering their mouths with their hands or shying away from contact with others. This can influence confidence, making it difficult to do things like apply for a raise or approach new people.

This can cause self-esteem to suffer, and forego opportunities for a happier, more fulfilling life. Others can also view your actions as being stand-off or aloof unless you plan to do so.

However, if you’re satisfied with your teeth, you’ll feel relaxed and secure while talking to others in a personal and professional environment. You’ll feel confident during business meetings, a date, a presentation, or a lesson. Getting a bright smile will make a difference between reaching positive goals in your life and only sitting on the sidelines for another year. 

Your Body and Dental Hygiene

If you’ve been thinking about improving your health in 2021, you may want to start with your mouth. The list of diseases associated with poor oral health is lengthy. From heart disease to Alzheimer’s to osteoporosis, research has shown that an unhealthy mouth can contribute to health problems across the body.

The good news is, there are a few easy things you can do to improve your oral health this year. Dr. Leeson recommends starting with regular fluoride toothpaste brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist every six months is important for healthy teeth. Replace your toothbrush at least every three months, or earlier if it shows signs of wear.

Visit Your Dentist in St. Pete

If you have pain, bleeding, or other issues in your mouth, tell your emergency dentist at St. Petersburg, FL. Much like you should see your doctor regularly for health issues and screening, your dentist should be an integral member of your health care team. Problems such as cavities and gum disease can be treated with the aid of a trained dentist – and the earlier they are treated, the better. And if you have lost your teeth or problems with misaligned teeth, these problems can be fixed to give you a happy and healthy smile. 
With a little extra work and commitment to your dental hygiene, you will be on your way to a more beautiful smile, a healthy body, and a wonderful year! If you need to schedule an appointment or need a smile consultation, contact 4th Street Family Dentistry today!

Dentures FAQ: St. Pete Dentist

dentures FAQ - 4th Street Family Dentistry

Dentures FAQ

Whether you need full dentures or partial dentures, 4th Street Family Dentistry can help. Restorative dentistry can help drastically improve your day to day life. We also understand that you may have plenty of questions about this next step on your oral healthcare journey. Dr. Brian Leeson hears all manner of questions from his patients who can benefit from dentures. In this article, Dr. Leeson answers dentures FAQ asked questions that might set your mind at ease about the dentures that can help restore your smile.

Do Dentures Look Fake?

Perhaps in years past, dentures looked incredibly fake. Today, your dentures can be designed to closely resemble natural teeth. Those around you will be hard-pressed to figure out that you’re wearing dentures unless you tell them. Just as you’d experience with crowns fitted by a cosmetic dentist, partial dentures can be matched to your surrounding natural teeth so that you get a perfectly seamless smile that you’ll be proud of.

What is the Dentures Process Like?

With standard dentures, it can take several weeks and a few appointments. Impressions will be taken, molds will be built, and several fittings will be needed to ensure a comfortable fit and a normal bite.

The process can vary between individuals, so it’s important to speak to your St. Pete dentist about the steps that may apply to you and your oral healthcare needs.

What Type of Dentures Can I Benefit From?

This is a highly individualized process. You may benefit from just a partial denture, or you may be better suited for a full set of dentures. You may be a good candidate for affixed dentures, or you may be better suited for removal dentures. Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist who offers dentures in Georgetown, KY, says that what works for you will be based entirely on your personal preferences, budget, and the health of your teeth and gums.

How Do I Take Care of My Dentures?

Your dentures should be treated just like your natural teeth. Whether they are affixed or removable, you should brush them and use a quality mouthwash. This will help keep your dentures in tip-top shape and go a long way toward keeping them fresh and clean. Fresh breath is a must, and brushing your dentures after every meal will help you ensure that your breath is always minty fresh.

Do Dentures Hurt?

When you meet with the best dentist in St. Petersburg, FL, Dr. Brian Leeson, you’ll find that we take steps to ensure your comfort levels are maintained at every step of the process. If you need to have some natural teeth extracted before getting your dentures, you may experience some discomfort. It should not be overly painful, however.

Getting fitted for your dentures should offer mild discomfort at the most. Restorative dentist in Shreveport, LA, Dr. Ben Kacos, says there may be some minor irritation when you first wear your new dentures. This should fade quite soon, as your mouth adjusts to wearing the dentures.

If you experience anything more than irritation or discomfort, remember to reach out to your dentist so that we can find a solution to boost your comfort levels and minimize pain.

Will Dentures Change the way I Speak?

Missing teeth will alter the way that you sound when you speak. Wearing partial or complete dentures can help to improve your speech. If you do find that it’s difficult to pronounce some words when you’re wearing your new denture appliance, simply practice saying the words out loud. Repeating the words will help you to better accustom to saying them. If you find that you sound different from your new dentures in the first few days, don’t get discouraged. It just takes a bit of time to adjust to speaking with your new smile.

Am I a Candidate for Dentures?

Any person who is missing one or more teeth can benefit from some type of dental prosthetic. Partial dentures are important for those who have just a few teeth missing, as they can help keep your remaining healthy teeth from shifting around in your mouth. Dentures will improve your speech, your ability to chew and enjoy food. Also, they will provide facial support, which can go a long way toward improving your smile and your overall appearance. 

Are you ready to learn more about how you may benefit from dentures? Visit your dentist near me, Dr. Leeson, to understand the health of your teeth and your gums. If you have questions about the dentures FAQ above, contact 4th Street Dentistry. You may even be a good candidate for implant-supported dentures. 4th Street Family Dentistry can also serve as the go-to emergency dentist St. Pete patients turn to when there are dental emergencies.

Do I Need a Root Canal?

4th Street Family Dentistry - Do I Need a Root Canal?

Do I Need a Root Canal?

For many patients, just hearing the simple words “root canal” are enough to strike fear and set off anxiety. According to Dr. Leeson, the root canal procedure has a bad reputation, which is very much undeserved. If your tooth pain is severe enough to warrant the procedure, you’ll find that undergoing the procedure can prove to be a relief. It can also reduce your risk of losing the tooth.

You may be wondering if you will need a root canal when you next visit with your St. Petersburg FL dentist Dr. Leeson. While you truly won’t know whether or not you could benefit from the procedure, there are some signs that you may need to have root canal treatment. 

Severe Tooth Pain

The clearest sign of an issue with a tooth is experiencing tooth pain. It’s not unusual to experience tooth pain, but what sets this pain apart will be the fact that you experience more pain when you eat, chew or otherwise apply pressure to the tooth.

The pain may be serious enough that it keeps you up at night, and does not respond well to over-the-counter pain relievers.

Discoloration in the Tooth

A tooth that is infected and suffering from serious decay may also change color. You may start to notice that a tooth that has been giving you a bit of trouble is starting to darken. Dr. Moghadam, a dentist in Easton, PA, says that this is due to the dentin inside of the tooth being infected or dead as a result of the infection. While this may give cause for embarrassment and concern, your cosmetic dentist Dr. Brian Leeson can offer solutions to restore the look of your tooth. A crown is often used after the root canal treatment to reinforce the tooth. A crown can restore the look of a healthy tooth instantly.

Tooth Sensitivity 

Tooth sensitivity isn’t entirely rare. Many people do have some type of sensitivity in their teeth. The fact that you experience sensitivity when enjoying cold or hot food and drinks do not necessarily mean that you will need root canal therapy. The key difference is that once you remove the source of the sensitivity and discomfort, the pain should stop if it’s not severe decay in the tooth. If it is, and you are in need of a root canal procedure, the sensitivity and discomfort will linger for some time. You may need to consider taking pain relievers before you can get the relief that you need.

Inflammation of the Gums

Did you know that it’s not just the tooth that can be symptomatic when it comes to an infection inside of the tooth’s root canals? Your gums can show some signs that the nearby painful tooth is in need of root canal therapy. Your gums may be swollen, tender to the touch and you may see a small, raised white bump on them. Our friend Dr. Josh Eastham, an emergency dentist in Grand Junction, says that if you are experiencing gum inflammation, that it’s important to see a dental professional before the problem worsens. Gum inflammation can lead to gum disease, which eventually causes permanent tooth loss.

According to your emergency dentist in St. Pete, there may be no immediate and outward indication that you are in need of root canal therapy. This is why it is so important to keep up with your routine checkups every six months. Pay a visit to the best dentist in St. Petersburg and learn more about the overall health of your teeth and gums. At 4th Street Family Dentistry, we love to keep you smiling.