Dental Health and Restorative Dentistry

Dental Health and Restorative Dentistry

Dental Health and Restorative Dentistry

Dental Health and Restorative Dentistry: How 4th Street Family Dentistry Improves Your Overall Wellness

Dental health is a vital aspect of overall well-being, and at 4th Street Family Dentistry, recognized as the Best Dentist in St. Petersburg, FL, we prioritize the restoration and maintenance of healthy smiles. 

The Foundation of Dental Health

Dental health goes beyond having a bright smile; it encompasses the well-being of your teeth, gums, and overall oral cavity. At 4th Street Family Dentistry, our approach to dental health begins with preventive care. Regular dental check-ups, cleanings, and education on proper oral hygiene lay the foundation for a healthy and resilient smile.

The Importance of Restorative Dentistry

Despite the best preventive efforts, dental issues may arise due to factors such as decay, trauma, or natural wear and tear. This is where restorative dentistry plays a crucial role. Restorative dentistry focuses on repairing and preserving the function and aesthetics of teeth, ensuring patients can enjoy a healthy and confident smile.

Customized Restorative Solutions

At 4th Street Family Dentistry, we understand that each patient’s dental needs are unique. Our skilled team offers a range of restorative solutions tailored to address individual concerns. From dental fillings to crowns, bridges, and dental implants, our goal is to provide customized treatments that restore both the form and function of your teeth.

Dental Fillings for Cavity Repair

Dental fillings are a common restorative treatment for addressing cavities caused by tooth decay. Our dental team utilizes advanced materials, including tooth-colored composite resin, to create fillings that seamlessly blend with natural teeth. This ensures effective cavity repair without compromising the aesthetics of your smile.

Dental Crowns and Bridges for Comprehensive Restoration

When a tooth is significantly damaged or lost, dental crowns and bridges offer comprehensive restoration. Crowns are used to encase a damaged tooth, providing strength and protection. Bridges, on the other hand, replace missing teeth by anchoring artificial teeth to adjacent natural teeth. This approach not only restores the appearance of your smile but also maintains proper dental function.

Dental Implants for Permanent Tooth Replacement

For individuals with missing teeth, dental implants offer a permanent and durable solution. Our skilled practitioners at 4th Street Family Dentistry specialize in dental implant procedures, providing patients with a reliable tooth replacement option that mimics the look and function of natural teeth.

Full Mouth Reconstruction for Comprehensive Transformation

In cases of extensive dental issues, our Full Mouth Reconstruction services aim to comprehensively transform your oral health. This personalized approach combines various restorative procedures to address multiple concerns, ensuring a complete and harmonious smile makeover.

The Role of Technology in Restorative Dentistry

4th Street Family Dentistry embraces advanced dental technology to enhance the precision and efficiency of restorative procedures. From digital imaging for treatment planning to computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) for creating customized restorations, our use of cutting-edge technology ensures optimal outcomes for our patients.

The Connection Between Oral and Overall Health

Maintaining good dental health is not only essential for a beautiful smile but also contributes to overall well-being. Poor oral health has been linked to various systemic conditions, emphasizing the importance of regular dental care and timely restorative interventions.

Contact Us! Rediscover Your Smile at 4th Street Family Dentistry

Your journey to optimal dental health and a radiant smile begins at 4th Street Family Dentistry in St. Petersburg, FL. As the Best Dentist in the area, our commitment to personalized care, advanced techniques, and comprehensive restorative solutions sets us apart. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward reclaiming your smile with confidence and comfort. At 4th Street Family Dentistry, your oral health is our priority, and we look forward to assisting you on your path to a healthier, happier smile.

Types of Dental Crowns

Types of Dental Crowns
Types of Dental Crowns

Different Types of Dental Crowns

If you’re in need of a dental crown, it’s important to know your options. Not all crowns serve the same purpose and understanding the different types can help you make an informed decision about which type is best for your specific situation. Here are some of the different types of dental crowns available from dentists in St. Petersburg, Florida and what they specialize in treating or restoring teeth that have been damaged due to decay, injury or other factors.

What is a Dental Crown and Its Benefits

Dental crowns are one of the most common restorative dental procedures that can help in preserving and enhancing teeth that have been damaged, decayed or discolored. A crown is essentially a cap or covering that is placed over a tooth to provide it with support, shape and strength. The crown can be made from a variety of materials. The benefits of dental crowns are numerous as they can help to protect against further decay, strengthen a damaged tooth, and improve the overall appearance of a smile. Crowns can also help to protect root canals or implants and are a durable solution that can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. Overall, dental crowns can provide a long-lasting solution that can help to restore your smile and improve dental health.

Different Types of Dental Crowns

When it comes to dental crowns, there are various types to choose from depending on your specific needs. Ceramic crowns are a popular choice due to their ability to blend seamlessly with natural teeth. They are durable and highly resistant to wear and tear, making them a suitable option for both front and back teeth. Implant crowns, on the other hand, are designed to be placed on top of dental implants to replace missing teeth. They provide a natural-looking and comfortable solution to restore your smile and improve your oral health. With advances in dental technology, there are now even more types of crowns available to meet the unique needs of each patient. Consulting with your dentist can help determine which type of crown is best for you.

– Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns are a popular choice among dental professionals and patients alike. These crowns are made from a high-quality ceramic material that mimics the natural appearance of teeth, making them a great option for those who want to improve their smile. Ceramic crowns also have a number of other benefits, including a high level of durability and resistance to staining. Additionally, they are less likely to cause allergic reactions or other adverse reactions than other materials like metal. Overall, ceramic crowns offer a reliable, long-lasting solution for many dental patients who want to restore their teeth’s appearance and function. If you’re considering dental crowns, be sure to talk to your dentist about the benefits of ceramic crowns.

– Implant Crowns

Implant crowns are a modern dental solution that can restore the function and aesthetic appearance of missing teeth. The procedure involves placing a titanium screw into the jawbone, which serves as the root of the tooth. A custom-made ceramic crown is then attached to the implant, providing a natural-looking tooth replacement that is strong, durable, and long-lasting. Implant crowns offer several benefits over traditional dentures or bridges, including improved comfort, better functionality, and greater self-confidence. If you are considering implant crowns as a dental option, it is essential to work with an experienced and reputable dental professional who can guide you through each step of the process.

When Is a Dental Crown Necessary and How Long Does it Last

A dental crown is necessary when a tooth is severely damaged or weakened and needs to be protected and strengthened. It can also be used to improve the appearance of a tooth or to hold a dental bridge in place. Their durability depends on the material used, but on average, a crown can last anywhere from 5 to 15 years with proper care and maintenance. It’s important to continue practicing good oral hygiene, such as brushing and flossing, and to avoid habits like clenching or grinding your teeth that can damage the crown. Your dentist can provide you with specific instructions on how to care for your crown and how often it should be checked.

Cost and Insurance Coverage for Dental Crowns

When it comes to dental crowns, cost and insurance coverage are important factors to consider. The cost of a dental crown can vary depending on the materials used, the complexity of the procedure, and the geographic location of the dental office. However, with insurance coverage, many patients can offset a significant portion of the cost. It’s important to note that coverage may vary depending on the type of insurance plan and the specific details of the patient’s policy. By discussing options with their dental provider and insurance company, patients can gain a better understanding of the cost and coverage involved in getting a dental crown. Ultimately, the investment in a dental crown can lead to significant improvements in a patient’s oral health and overall quality of life.

Caring for Your Dental Crown After the Procedure

After undergoing the procedure of getting a dental crown, it is important to prioritize its care to ensure its longevity. A dental crown is an investment that requires attention and maintenance in order to keep it healthy and functional. One key way to care for your crown is to practice good oral hygiene habits, such as brushing twice a day and flossing daily. Additionally, avoiding hard or sticky foods and wearing a mouthguard during physical activities can prevent damage to the crown. It is also important to schedule regular dental check-ups with your dentist to ensure that the crown is still in good condition and functioning properly. By taking these steps, you can ensure the success of your dental crown for many years to come.

Contact Us Today

All in all, dental crowns come with a long list of advantages. They can provide cosmetic improvements, structural support for damaged teeth, and are much more durable than other restorative treatments. When you’re considering a dental crown, it’s important to know what type is right for your situation, how long it will last and how much it will cost — as well as the importance of proper maintenance to ensure your crown stays in its best condition over time. At 4th Street Family Dentistry, our team is dedicated to providing quality care that meets your individual needs. We take pride in helping you to keep your smile looking great with our wide range of preventive and restorative services. If you would like more information about getting a dental crown or any other type of dental service, please contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Cheap vs. Expensive Dentures

Cheap vs. Expensive Dentures
Cheap vs. Expensive Dentures

Differences Between Cheap and Expensive Dentures

Are you considering dentures as a replacement for missing teeth, but don’t know if you should splurge on expensive ones or opt for the cheaper option? When it comes to finding the right set of dentures in St. Petersburg, Florida, knowing where to start can be daunting. In this article, we’ll help alleviate that stress by exploring cheap vs. expensive denture options available in the area. From understanding insurance coverage and determining which materials are best for your needs – all will be discussed here so that you can make an informed and confident decision about obtaining the perfect set of dentures for your smile!

Introducing Dentures – the Benefits & Drawbacks

Dentures are a popular restorative dentistry option for people who are missing multiple teeth or all of their teeth. They are a dental prosthesis that can be removed from the mouth and provide a variety of benefits. For one, they can improve the appearance of your smile and boost your confidence. Additionally, dentures can improve speech and help make eating easier. However, there are also drawbacks to consider when it comes to dentures. They require regular cleaning and maintenance to keep them in good condition, and they may take some time to get used to. It’s important to weigh the benefits and drawbacks before deciding if dentures are the right option for you.

Different Types of Dentures – Cheap vs. Expensive

When it comes to dentures, there are various types to choose from, ranging in cost and quality. Generally, cheap dentures are made from lower quality materials and may not fit as well as more expensive options. They may also need to be replaced more frequently, which can ultimately end up costing more in the long run. On the other hand, expensive dentures are typically made from more durable, higher quality materials and are custom-fitted to the individual’s mouth, providing a more comfortable and secure fit. While the upfront cost may be higher, investing in a good set of dentures can ultimately save money and provide greater comfort and functionality. Ultimately, the decision of which type of dentures to choose will depend on an individual’s budget and specific dental needs.

Cost Comparison of Cheap and Expensive Dentures

When it comes to choosing dentures, cost is certainly a significant factor to consider. It’s natural to want to save money, but you also want to ensure that you’re not sacrificing quality and functionality for a lower price tag. Cheap dentures may seem tempting, but they often have a shorter lifespan, require more adjustments, and can be uncomfortable. On the other hand, expensive dentures come with better craftsmanship, higher quality materials, and are typically more comfortable and natural-looking. Ultimately, the best choice for you will depend on your unique needs and budget, but it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of both options before making a decision. A professional dentist can help guide you in making the most informed decision.

Pros & Cons of Cheap & Expensive Dentures

Dentures are a popular and effective solution for individuals with missing teeth. However, the decision to choose between cheap and expensive dentures can be overwhelming. Cheap dentures can save you money upfront, but they often lack quality and may need to be replaced more frequently. On the other hand, expensive dentures may come with a hefty price tag, but they typically offer higher quality materials and better customizations for a more natural and comfortable fit. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons of each option, taking into consideration budget, personal needs, and long-term goals. Ultimately, consulting with a dental professional can help you make an informed decision that satisfies both your budget and dental needs.

Factors to Consider When Buying Dentures

When it comes to purchasing dentures, there are several factors that must be taken into consideration. Firstly, the material of the denture must be decided upon. Whether it’s acrylic, porcelain, or composite resin, each material has its own set of benefits and drawbacks. Secondly, one must determine if they require partial or full dentures. This depends on the number of teeth that need to be replaced. Thirdly, the fit of the denture is of utmost importance. It must be comfortable enough to wear for extended periods of time, but also fit snugly to prevent movement when talking or eating. Lastly, the cost of the denture must be taken into account. Cheaper options may not last as long, while more expensive options may not always be the best fit. As with any significant purchase, research and consultations with a professional are key in ensuring that the right decision is made.

Tips for Maintaining Your Dentures Longer

Maintaining good oral hygiene is essential to keep dentures in their best shape for longer, which also prevents oral health problems. One tip to follow is to clean dentures after each meal to remove food particles that may become stuck and cause irritation. Additionally, it’s important to use a soft-bristled brush and mild soap or denture cleaner when brushing, as abrasive products can scratch and damage the dentures. Regular dental checkups are also necessary to ensure optimal fit and functioning of the dentures. Lastly, it’s best to store dentures in water or a solution recommended by a dentist to avoid drying them out or warping. With these simple yet effective tips, denture wearers can enjoy comfortable, well-fitted dentures for years to come.

Contact Us Today

Ultimately, dentures are a worthwhile investment for those looking to restore their smile. Dentures come in a wide range of costs, sizes, shapes and designs, so careful consideration should be given before making a purchase. It is important to understand the perks and drawbacks that come with both cheap and expensive dentures so that you can make an educated decision when it comes time to make your purchase. Aside from comparing prices, consider comfort levels and functionality of the denture when deciding which ones will work best for your needs. Additionally, while cost can be a factor when buying dentures, focusing on proper care should always be prioritized as this will determine how long they will last. Now that you know the facts about cheap vs. expensive dentures, contact us at 4th Street Family Dentistry to schedule an appointment today!

Silver Fillings Replaced

Silver Fillings Replaced

We know you have a lot of St. Petersburg Dentists to choose from. Which is why we make every effort to provide a unique and personal experience for each and every one of our patients. We are 100 percent invested in top of the line dental technology, continued education and service. 

Replacing Your Silver Fillings

Do you have silver dental fillings that have become worn, discolored or loose? If you are experiencing these issues, it might be time to consider replacing them with new composite fillings. Old silver dental fillings are not only unsightly, but they can also cause potential health risks. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of getting those silver fillings replaced with new composite fillings and why it’s important to do so.

Improved Aesthetics

Silver fillings can become worn and discolored over time, which can cause them to stand out from your natural teeth. Composite fillings, on the other hand, are custom-made to match your tooth color which makes them blend in seamlessly with your natural teeth. This will help to improve the overall appearance of your smile.

Better Functionality

Composite fillings also tend to be stronger than silver fillings, which can provide better chewing and biting functionality. Additionally, they are less prone to causing cracks or chips in your teeth, which can lead to further dental issues.

Reduced Sensitivity

Silver fillings can be sensitive to hot and cold temperatures, which can cause discomfort when eating or drinking. Composite fillings, however, are much less sensitive and better suited to handle these types of temperature changes.

Health Risks

Silver fillings are made from a mixture of metals, including mercury, which has been found to potentially cause health risks. While this has not been definitively proven, it’s better to err on the side of caution and have them replaced with composite fillings as a preventative.


Composite fillings are known for their long-lasting durability, which can last up to 12 years or more with proper care. This means that you will be able to enjoy your new composite fillings for years to come.

In conclusion, if you have silver fillings that are worn, discolored or loose, it’s important to consider replacing them with new composite fillings. Not only will this improve the overall appearance of your smile, but it will also provide better functionality and reduce the potential health risks associated with silver fillings. At 4th Street Family Dentistry in St. Petersburg, Florida, we are proud to offer composite fillings as a safer and more efficient option for our patients. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the benefits of composite fillings.

Restorative vs. Cosmetic Dentistry

restorative v. cosmetic dentistry st petersburg FL

Restorative Dentistry vs. Cosmetic Dentistry

4th Street Family Dentistry offers both cosmetic dental care and restorative dental care. Cosmetic dentistry is mainly enhancing your smile and changing the general appearance of your teeth. As far as cosmetic dentistry is concerned, the focus here is on the art, not the actual science behind the procedure. In general, a St. Pete cosmetic dentist is actually a restorative dentist who has studied and trained extensively in the concepts of smile design and the use of dental materials that create the best possible smile for an individual. Check out the difference between restorative vs. cosmetic dentistry.

Determining Whether You Need Cosmetic or Restorative Dental Work

Although cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry do overlap, the main difference between the two is their focus and the level of dental expertise. A cosmetic dentist is one who goes beyond the process of restoration. If a restorative dentist stops helping an individual to achieve a set of fully functioning teeth, a cosmetic dentist will not only correct the functioning of the teeth but will also seek to achieve results that match the individual’s idea of a perfect smile. This requires quite some expertise and a very accurate level of finesse, as a cosmetic dentist needs to pay attention to even the smallest details, such as how many teeth a person should have visible while he/she smiles, etc.

Restorative Dental Treatments St. Pete

Restorative dentistry fixes structural problems. These problems include damaged or missing teeth. Restorative dentists use the below procedures to fix structural problem: 

Restoring your teeth and their proper functioning is where restorative dentistry comes to an end explains Dr. Cody Boals, dentist in Colorado Springs. If you want to make your smile better, seek the help of a cosmetic dentist. Cosmetic dentistry is completely concerned with the enhancement of your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry can eliminate these problems by helping you boost your overall confidence and appearance.

St. Pete Cosmetic Dental Treatments

All dental treatments that involve an esthetic improvement of your smile are considered cosmetic. They simply focus on the appearance of your teeth and help you restore their function and overall oral health. Some cosmetic dentistry treatments may include the following:

These are just a few examples of cosmetic dentistry procedures that you may be able to choose from. However, one major difference between cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry is the actual cost of treatment procedures, which may be a bit high for cosmetic dentistry treatments.

Contact 4th Street Family Dentistry 

You should also feel comfortable asking Dr. Brian Leeson any questions you are still unsure about. You and your St. Pete dentist will need to work together to find treatment options that will make your smile brighter and healthier. Contact us, today! 

The Benefits of Dentures

benefits of dentures - St. Petersburg Fl

The Benefits of Dentures

Right from your childhood, your teeth play a crucial role in both your physical and social development. A strong, healthy set of teeth allows you to chew and eat properly. Similarly, a beautiful, aesthetic smile can help you conquer the world with confidence. However, teeth don’t always last a lifetime. So, you may find yourself considering tooth replacement options down the road.

Dentures are among the top teeth replacement options for people who’ve lost two or more teeth. Every dentist in St. Petersburg would advise you to have a missing tooth replaced as soon as possible. Not only will it restore both the aesthetic and functional roles of your teeth, but it will also save you from experiencing more severe dental issues.

Types of Dentures Your Dentist May Recommend

  • Full dentures – Are used when the patient has lost all of the teeth. They consist of a removable lower and upper arch with a row of porcelain or acrylic made teeth. 
  • Partial dentures – Can be used to replace either the lower or upper arch of teeth. They work better for people who haven’t lost all of their teeth.
  • Implant-supported dentures – These dentures are often used with patients who have only lost some of their teeth. A thin metal bar with posts attached to it is implanted onto your jawbone, right under your gums. Once your gums heal, a denture is clipped onto the posts.

Best Benefits of Dentures

If you are missing two or more teeth, you may be a suitable candidate for dentures, so contact 4th Street Family Dentistry today for a consultation. It may be the first step between you and a strong, healthy set of teeth.   

They Prevent Bone Loss

When your natural teeth are firmly implanted in your jaw, they constantly stimulate the jawbone, keeping it in a state of perpetual regeneration at a cellular level. When teeth are lost and aren’t replaced, the jawbone doesn’t receive stimulation, and as time passes, the process of constant regeneration will stop and reverse, resulting in bone loss. Over time, more and more of your jawbone will be lost, eventually resulting in changes in your face’s shape.

Restores the Function of the Teeth

Although teeth serve an aesthetic purpose, their greatest role is functional. They enable you to bite and chew your food. This ability is compromised once you have gaps in your teeth. All types of dentures are designed to look and work like the real thing, and once they are installed, you’ll be able to eat your food with ease. 

They Improve Your Speech

When you speak, your tongue pushes against the back of the teeth to help you make the right sounds and speak properly. If you have one or more missing teeth, you may find it hard to pronounce certain words, leading to self-consciousness and difficulty speaking with others. With dentures, your tongue will have an adequate surface to push against, allowing you to speak clearly and confidently.

They Restore Your Appearance and Give You Confidence

A clean, bright smile is a major confidence booster. Additionally, your teeth prevent your lips and cheeks from collapsing inwards. With gaps in your teeth, you may feel self-conscious. Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist in Georgetown, KY, says that most of her patients opt for dentures because of how great the transformation is.

You Will Have Fewer Diet Restrictions with Dentures

If you are missing most or all of your teeth, the number of foods you can comfortably eat is severely limited. Not only will this impact the quality of life you lead, but it may also affect your health if you aren’t getting enough nutrients. With dentures, the range of food you can comfortably bite and chew. So, you’ll be able to eat a diverse, healthy, and balanced diet without much pain or frustration.

Dentures Protect Your Remaining Teeth from Extensive Wear and Tear

If you still haven’t lost all of your teeth but do not undergo restorative dentistry, your remaining teeth will take on way too much stress. Dr. Chris Green, a cosmetic dentist in Parker, CO, says that handling a load that was meant for 32 teeth will cause your remaining teeth to wear down faster over time. With a well-fitted set of dentures, the load will be spread evenly among your teeth, sparing your teeth from too much wear and tear and extending their lifetimes.

As you can see, there are so many benefits of dentures! If you have lost all or most of your teeth, dentures may be the best solution for you. Statistics show that at least 48 million Americans are missing all of their teeth, so you’re not alone. Search “St. Pete dentist near me” to see whether dentures can work for you. They are great at restoring tooth aesthetics and functionality, and they will ultimately prevent bone loss and preserve the structure of your face. Contact 4th Street Family Dental today for a consultation.

Dentures FAQ: St. Pete Dentist

dentures FAQ - 4th Street Family Dentistry

Dentures FAQ

Whether you need full dentures or partial dentures, 4th Street Family Dentistry can help. Restorative dentistry can help drastically improve your day to day life. We also understand that you may have plenty of questions about this next step on your oral healthcare journey. Dr. Brian Leeson hears all manner of questions from his patients who can benefit from dentures. In this article, Dr. Leeson answers dentures FAQ asked questions that might set your mind at ease about the dentures that can help restore your smile.

Do Dentures Look Fake?

Perhaps in years past, dentures looked incredibly fake. Today, your dentures can be designed to closely resemble natural teeth. Those around you will be hard-pressed to figure out that you’re wearing dentures unless you tell them. Just as you’d experience with crowns fitted by a cosmetic dentist, partial dentures can be matched to your surrounding natural teeth so that you get a perfectly seamless smile that you’ll be proud of.

What is the Dentures Process Like?

With standard dentures, it can take several weeks and a few appointments. Impressions will be taken, molds will be built, and several fittings will be needed to ensure a comfortable fit and a normal bite.

The process can vary between individuals, so it’s important to speak to your St. Pete dentist about the steps that may apply to you and your oral healthcare needs.

What Type of Dentures Can I Benefit From?

This is a highly individualized process. You may benefit from just a partial denture, or you may be better suited for a full set of dentures. You may be a good candidate for affixed dentures, or you may be better suited for removal dentures. Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist who offers dentures in Georgetown, KY, says that what works for you will be based entirely on your personal preferences, budget, and the health of your teeth and gums.

How Do I Take Care of My Dentures?

Your dentures should be treated just like your natural teeth. Whether they are affixed or removable, you should brush them and use a quality mouthwash. This will help keep your dentures in tip-top shape and go a long way toward keeping them fresh and clean. Fresh breath is a must, and brushing your dentures after every meal will help you ensure that your breath is always minty fresh.

Do Dentures Hurt?

When you meet with the best dentist in St. Petersburg, FL, Dr. Brian Leeson, you’ll find that we take steps to ensure your comfort levels are maintained at every step of the process. If you need to have some natural teeth extracted before getting your dentures, you may experience some discomfort. It should not be overly painful, however.

Getting fitted for your dentures should offer mild discomfort at the most. Restorative dentist in Shreveport, LA, Dr. Ben Kacos, says there may be some minor irritation when you first wear your new dentures. This should fade quite soon, as your mouth adjusts to wearing the dentures.

If you experience anything more than irritation or discomfort, remember to reach out to your dentist so that we can find a solution to boost your comfort levels and minimize pain.

Will Dentures Change the way I Speak?

Missing teeth will alter the way that you sound when you speak. Wearing partial or complete dentures can help to improve your speech. If you do find that it’s difficult to pronounce some words when you’re wearing your new denture appliance, simply practice saying the words out loud. Repeating the words will help you to better accustom to saying them. If you find that you sound different from your new dentures in the first few days, don’t get discouraged. It just takes a bit of time to adjust to speaking with your new smile.

Am I a Candidate for Dentures?

Any person who is missing one or more teeth can benefit from some type of dental prosthetic. Partial dentures are important for those who have just a few teeth missing, as they can help keep your remaining healthy teeth from shifting around in your mouth. Dentures will improve your speech, your ability to chew and enjoy food. Also, they will provide facial support, which can go a long way toward improving your smile and your overall appearance. 

Are you ready to learn more about how you may benefit from dentures? Visit your dentist near me, Dr. Leeson, to understand the health of your teeth and your gums. If you have questions about the dentures FAQ above, contact 4th Street Dentistry. You may even be a good candidate for implant-supported dentures. 4th Street Family Dentistry can also serve as the go-to emergency dentist St. Pete patients turn to when there are dental emergencies.