benefits of invisalign st pete dentist

When you first meet someone, one of the first things you notice is their grin. As follows, straight smiles typically increase self-esteem and make people feel fabulous. However, if you are unhappy with your grin, it could lower your self-esteem. Many people have dental issues such as crowded teeth, an overbite, or an underbite. Luckily, straightening your teeth is now easier than ever. At 4th Street Family Dentistry, Dr. Brian Leeson is proud to now offer Invisalign St. Pete to our patients. Below, our dentistry explains the advantages of Invisalign and how it compares to other teeth-straightening procedures.

What Exactly Is Invisalign?

Invisalign, sometimes known as “invisible aligners,” is a fantastic solution for tooth issues. Using clear guidelines, teeth are aligned to their proper position. The translucent guides fit over your teeth and are nearly invisible to others. When it comes to the debate between Invisalign and braces, each choice has advantages and disadvantages. However, you may be surprised by the benefits of Invisalign.

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign provides comfort, ease of cleaning, less time at your St. Pete dentist office, and so much more. Below, your dentist near me lists each all of the benefits of Invisalign.

Invisalign is Affordable

The Invisalign process is known for its affordability because there is no need for costly office visits. With Invisalign® clear aligners, you only pay for the treatment plan that is best for your specific circumstance, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Invisalign is Less Challenging to Clean Than Braces

We’ve all heard that conventional braces are difficult to keep clean. Whether you’re eating out or at home, keeping your teeth and brackets clean is a chore. Luckily, it is simple to remove the aligner trays while using Invisalign. Brush them gently with toothpaste and warm water before reinstalling them in your mouth.

Invisalign Requires Fewer Visits to the Office

Metal braces need a visit to the dentist to tighten the rubber bands or wires. In contrast, Invisalign allows you to participate in activities while your teeth are repositioned and aligned.

When you begin the Invisalign treatment program, you will be given aligner trays for the present and subsequent stages. Also, receiving the trays in advance helps you proceed to the following without returning to the office.

No Food Changes

Because the aligners are removable, you may eat and drink whatever you want with Invisalign. This cuts down on time it takes to clean your teeth afterward. However, before reinstalling the aligners, make sure to cleanse your mouth and brush your teeth.

Improve Your Appearance With Invisalign

Orthodontic patients, particularly adults, do not want to be noticed. Because of the transparent aligner trays, Invisalign allows you to conceal your dental treatment. Unless you tell them, no one needs to know you’re using aligners.

Increased Comfort

Even if you’ve never worn braces, you’re aware of the problems with pain. Our friend Dr. Oberst, Lexington KY dentist, explains that traditional braces function by applying tension to the brackets and wires in order to realign the teeth. Tightening the brackets generates soreness until the pressure is relieved, resulting in a cycle of suffering.

When using Invisalign, the person may remove the trays to eat, clean, and floss their teeth. In addition, invisalign reduces the annoyance of pain and scraping on your tongue, face, or gums.

Invisalign Can Be Used for Everyone!

Children, teenagers, and adults are all safe to use Invisalign. While children aged 8 to 12 are watched for tooth abnormalities and the possible usage of braces, many dentists recommend waiting until your child is 13 or 14 to get Invisalign.

Invisalign Resolves Dental Issues

Each person’s dental troubles are unique. Some of the alignment issues that necessitate braces or Invisalign are as follows:

  • Crossbite with Crowded Teeth
  • Teeth Gaps Misaligned Teeth Open Bite
  • Overbites & Underbites
  • Crooked Teeth

The use of orthodontics assists with bite and crowding concerns, which reduces the incidence of cavities and gum disease. It is advised that you make an appointment with your dental expert to explore your treatment choices. Consult your dentist in St Pete if you wish to receive Invisalign.

Contact 4th Street Family Dentistry for Invisalign Treatment in St Petersburg

Ready to get started on your Invisalign journey? We’re ready to help you smile with confidence! Please contact our Dentist in St Petersburg today to learn more about your options. This affordable and efficient treatment works so well to straighten your smile and boost your confidence.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

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