The Art of Dental Cleaning

The Art of Dental Cleaning

The Art of Dental Cleaning

The Art of Dental Cleaning: How 4th Street Family Dentistry Provides Gentle and Thorough Care

A radiant smile begins with a foundation of optimal oral health, and at 4th Street Family Dentistry, recognized as the Best Dentist in St. Petersburg, FL, the art of dental cleaning takes center stage. 

The Importance of Regular Dental Cleanings

Dental cleanings are not just about achieving a sparkling smile; they are a cornerstone of preventive oral care. At 4th Street Family Dentistry, our experienced team understands that routine cleanings contribute to:

  • Plaque and Tartar Removal: Professional cleanings eliminate plaque and tartar buildup, preventing the progression of gum disease and cavities.
  • Prevention of Gum Disease: Thorough cleanings help prevent gingivitis and more advanced stages of gum disease, preserving the health of the gums and supporting structures.
  • Early Detection of Issues: Dental cleanings provide an opportunity for early detection of oral health issues, allowing for timely intervention and treatment.
  • Fresh Breath: Removal of bacteria and plaque helps maintain fresh breath, contributing to overall oral hygiene.

The Artistry of Dental Cleaning at 4th Street Family Dentistry

At 4th Street Family Dentistry, dental cleanings are approached with a commitment to excellence and a personalized touch. Our skilled dental hygienists employ advanced techniques and cutting-edge technology to elevate the cleaning process into an art form.

  • Precision and Thoroughness: Every dental cleaning at 4th Street Family Dentistry is conducted with precision and thoroughness. Our hygienists meticulously clean each tooth surface, ensuring the removal of plaque and tartar in even the most challenging areas.
  • Customized Treatment Plans: We recognize that each patient’s oral health needs are unique. Our team develops customized treatment plans, addressing specific concerns and focusing on areas that require extra attention.
  • Patient Education: The art of dental cleaning extends beyond the procedure itself. Our team is dedicated to patient education, providing guidance on proper oral hygiene practices, home care routines, and lifestyle factors that impact oral health.

The Dental Cleaning Procedure

The dental cleaning process at 4th Street Family Dentistry encompasses:

  • Examination: A thorough examination precedes the cleaning, allowing the dental team to assess the overall oral health and identify areas that require special attention.
  • Plaque and Tartar Removal: Using specialized tools, our hygienists expertly remove plaque and tartar from tooth surfaces and along the gumline.
  • Polishing: Teeth are polished to remove surface stains and create a smooth, clean finish.
  • Fluoride Treatment: In some cases, fluoride treatment may be recommended to strengthen enamel and protect against cavities.

Advanced Technology for Superior Results

4th Street Family Dentistry invests in state-of-the-art technology to enhance the dental cleaning experience. Digital imaging, intraoral cameras, and diagnostic tools contribute to a more thorough understanding of oral health, allowing for precise and targeted cleaning.

The Ongoing Commitment to Patient Comfort

Understanding that some patients may experience anxiety or discomfort during dental cleanings, 4th Street Family Dentistry prioritizes patient comfort. Our team is skilled in creating a relaxed environment, ensuring a positive experience for every patient.

Maintaining Oral Health Between Cleanings

While professional dental cleanings are crucial, maintaining optimal oral health requires consistent care at home. 4th Street Family Dentistry provides guidance on proper brushing techniques, flossing, and selecting oral care products to empower patients in their daily oral hygiene routines.

Contact Us Today! Elevate Your Smile with 4th Street Family Dentistry

At 4th Street Family Dentistry in St. Petersburg, FL, dental cleanings transcend routine maintenance; they represent an artful approach to preserving and enhancing oral health. As the Best Dentist in St. Petersburg, our commitment to excellence, personalized care, and advanced techniques ensure that every patient experiences the transformative power of a meticulously crafted dental cleaning. Contact us today to schedule your next cleaning and discover the artistry of dental care at 4th Street Family Dentistry, where radiant smiles are a masterpiece of health and beauty.

Oral Sedation And Dental Care

Oral Sedation And Dental Care

We know you have a lot of St. Petersburg Dentists to choose from. Which is why we make every effort to provide a unique and personal experience for each and every one of our patients. We are 100 percent invested in top of the line dental technology, continued education and service. 

What You Need to Know About Oral Sedation and Dental Care

Fear or anxiety about visiting the dentist is not uncommon amongst many people. Dental phobia can result in patients avoiding necessary dental care, which can have severe consequences in the long run. If you fall into this category, then you might want to consider oral sedation to make your dental procedure less stressful. In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about oral sedation and dental care.

What Is Oral Sedation?

Oral sedation is a process by which a specialist administers medication in the form of pills or a liquid to make you feel relaxed during dental procedures. Depending on the dose and medication used, oral sedation levels can range from minimal to moderate. However, you will not be made unconscious, but instead, you will feel calm and may be able to doze off. Oral sedation is often used during procedures that are typically unpleasant or painful.

How Does Oral Sedation Work?

Oral sedation works by slowing down activity in your brain that enhances feelings of anxiety and fear. The medication prescribed to you belongs to a class of drugs known as anxiolytics. These medications work through several mechanisms that help counteract feelings of fear and anxiety. When taken orally, the medication works by stimulating a receptor in your brain that releases a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). GABA is responsible for slowing down the central nervous system, which makes you feel less anxious.

What Are The Advantages Of Oral Sedation?

With oral sedation, you can expect to have reduced anxiety and an increased level of relaxation during your dental procedure. The medication takes effect relatively fast and lasts for several hours, allowing you to undergo a lengthy procedure comfortably. The sedative effect of the medication also helps lower the perception of pain, decreasing the amount of local anesthetic used during the procedure.

How Safe Is Oral Sedation?

Oral sedation is generally a safe procedure when administered under the supervision of a qualified dentist. It is essential to be honest with your dentist about your health history, medications you are taking, and any allergies you have. Your dentist near you will take all of these factors into account when prescribing the medication. Additionally, your dentist should monitor your vital signs throughout the procedure to ensure your safety.

What To Expect After Oral Sedation?

It is essential to have a designated driver who can take you home after the procedure since oral sedation effects last for several hours. You will be advised to avoid any strenuous activity and avoid driving for the rest of the day until the sedative effects have subsided entirely. You might also experience residual drowsiness, dry mouth, and a lapse of memory about the procedure. However, these symptoms will gradually fade off as the medication wears off.

Contact Us Today!

At 4th Street Family Dentistry in St. Pete, FL, we understand how essential dental care is in maintaining oral health. We are committed to making sure that our patients feel comfortable and relaxed during their procedures. If you are fretful about your dental procedure, oral sedation can significantly reduce your anxiety and help you feel less fearful. To learn more about oral sedation and how it can help you in your dental procedures, contact us at 4th Street Family Dentistry today.

Finding The Right St. Pete Dentist

Finding The Right St. Pete Dentist

We know you have a lot of St. Petersburg Dentists to choose from. Which is why we make every effort to provide a unique and personal experience for each and every one of our patients. We are 100 percent invested in top of the line dental technology, continued education and service. 

How to Find the Right Dentist in St. Petersburg, FL

Finding the right dentist near you can be a daunting task. You want someone who is qualified and experienced, yet also friendly and trustworthy. It’s important to do your research and find a dentist that meets all of your needs. Here are some tips for finding the right St. Pete dentist for you and your family.

Do Your Research

The first step in finding the perfect dentist is to do your homework. Look online for reviews from patients who have used the same dentists you’re considering. Ask friends or family members about their experiences with local dentists, or talk to other medical professionals in the area to get their opinion as well. Doing this kind of research will give you an idea of what kind of care each dentist provides, so you can make an informed decision about which one is best for you and your family.

Consider Specialized Services

If there are any specialized services that you need from a dentist, such as cosmetic dentistry or orthodontic treatment, it’s important to make sure that the dentist you choose offers those services. Most general dentists offer basic services such as cleanings and fillings, but if you need something more complex like braces or veneers, it’s best to look for a specialist who has experience with those particular services.

Schedule An Appointment

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential dentists, it’s time to schedule an appointment with each one so you can meet them in person and get a feel for their office environment. This will help you decide if they are the right fit for your needs. During this visit, ask questions about their qualifications and experience so that you can feel confident in their abilities as a dental professional before committing to receive care from them on an ongoing basis.

Contact Us Today!

With these tips in mind, we hope that it will be easier for patients looking for a St Pete Dentist at 4th Street Family Dentistry find one that meets all of their needs! By doing research into each potential provider beforehand and scheduling an appointment to meet them face-to-face, patients can make sure they select a provider who is both qualified and friendly enough to make them feel comfortable during every visit! With this knowledge under your belt, we hope that finding the right St Pete Dentist becomes easier than ever!

Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

Why are my gums bleeding

Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

It is not uncommon for people to experience bleeding gums. This can be caused by a number of things, including brushing too hard, periodontal disease, or gingivitis. If you are experiencing bleeding gums, it is important to see a dentist near you to determine the underlying cause. In most cases, bleeding gums can be treated with good oral hygiene and regular dental care. However, in some cases, more serious treatment may be necessary. If you have any concerns about your gum health, be sure to talk to your St. Pete dentist.

What Is The Cause Of My Bleeding Gums?

There are a few reasons why your gums might be bleeding. If you’re concerned about your gum health, it’s a good idea to talk to your dentist in St. Pete. They can help you determine the cause of the bleeding and recommend the best course of treatment.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease, also known as gum disease, is a condition in which the gums and other tissues around the teeth become inflamed. This inflammation can lead to a wide range of problems, including tooth loss and bone loss. Periodontal disease is caused by a buildup of plaque, a sticky film of bacteria that forms on the teeth. If plaque is not removed through regular brushing and flossing, it can harden into tartar, which irritates the gums and leads to inflammation. Periodontal disease is more common in adults, but it can also occur in children as talked about with our friends over at OG Dental, a dentist in Denver CO. Symptoms include red, swollen gums that may bleed when brushed or flossed. If you think you may have periodontal disease, it is important to see a dentist or other healthcare provider for an evaluation. Early diagnosis and treatment can help to prevent serious complications.

Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

If you brush your teeth too hard, it can damage your gums and cause them to bleed. The gums are made up of delicate tissue, and when they’re damaged, they can’t protect your teeth as well. Over time, this can lead to gum disease. Gum disease is a serious condition that can damage the tissues and bone that support your teeth. 

Contact 4th Street Family Dentistry Today

If you have bleeding gums, it’s important to take action right away. Bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease, which is a serious condition that can lead to tooth loss. By visiting 4th Street Family Dentistry, you can receive the treatment you need to keep your gums healthy. Our experienced team will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs. We offer a variety of treatments that can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing. In addition, we can provide education and resources on how to care for your gums at home. Don’t wait to take action – contact 4th Street Family Dentistry today.

No Dental Insurance, No Problem

No Dental Insurance, No Problem

No Dental Insurance, No Problem

At our office, we believe that oral health is important for everyone. We also understand that not everyone has access to dental insurance. That’s why we offer our Dental Savings Plan, which is designed to deliver top-quality dental care at an affordable price for your whole family. The plan includes two exams and cleanings per year, as well as discounts on other procedures such as fillings, x-rays, and more. We also offer a 15% discount on all dental fees. As talked about with our friends over at High Desert Dental, the best dentist in Grand Junction CO our goal is to make sure that everyone has access to the dental care they need in order to maintain good oral health.

We Have A Solution For You

Dental care in St. Petersburg is an important part of overall health, but it can be expensive. Our dental office offers four different dental savings plans to fit the needs of different-sized households. The plans range from individual coverage to family coverage. Each plan offers a different level of discount on dental services in St. Pete. The plans are also flexible, so you can choose the plan that best fits your budget and your family’s dental needs.

Different Options For Plans

  • Individual $230 Per Year
  • Dual $400 Per Year
  • Tri-Family $550 Per Year
  • Family $700 Per Year

Contact 4th Street Family Dentistry Today

At 4th Street Family Dental, we are committed to providing our patients with the highest quality of care possible. Part of that commitment involves making dental care affordable and accessible to everyone. Our Dental Savings Plan is designed to do just that. The plan provides significant discounts on a wide range of dental services, including preventive care, restorative work, and cosmetic procedures. Plus, there are no annual limits or waiting periods, and the plan can be used by the whole family. If you have been putting off dental care because of cost, we encourage you to give us a call today to learn more about how our Dental Savings Plan can help. We look forward to meeting you and helping you achieve your best possible smile.

What Our Dental Hygienist Wants You To Know?

What Our Dental Hygienist Wants You To Know?

What Our Dental Hygienist Wants You To Know?

There are a few things that your dentist and dental hygienist in St. Petersburg FL want you to know. You’re undoubtedly aware that you should brush your teeth twice a day and floss at least once a day. Is there anything more your dentist and dental hygienist want you to know about keeping your teeth healthy? So here are some things to answer the question of what our dental Hygienist Wants You To Know?

There Are A Few Things That Your Dentist And Dental Hygienist Want You To Know

Today, the best dentist in St. Petersburg is going to talk about four things that will help you feel confident in your smile while also nailing your six-month checks. These items can also help you avoid dental crises such as tooth discomfort caused by cavities and decay.

Replace Your Toothbrush Every Three Months And Whenever You Become Sick

When was the last time you got a new toothbrush? It’s probably time to do so if you’re having problems remembering. In fact, the CDC recommends changing your toothbrush every 3-4 months. We also urge that you change it if you become ill. The truth is that a toothbrush with worn bristles not only damages your gum line and harbors icky germs, but it also cannot clean your teeth as well as a brush with new bristles. This may result in poor breath and an increased risk of gingivitis or re-infection as a result of being unwell.

Brush And Floss Your Teeth Thoroughly Before Going To The Dentist

Our friends over at OG Dental the best dentist in Denver CO answer the recurring question, Is there a legitimate reason to clean and floss your teeth before your dental visit (other than to show your dentist that you value oral health)? Our response may surprise you. Yes, brushing and flossing your teeth before a dental checkup is always a good idea.

Consider driving your vehicle along a particularly muddy road. The staff at a car wash will most likely rinse your car before starting the automated wash. Brushing your teeth before going to the dentist will help eliminate surface plaque. This can lessen irritation when your hygienist cleans your teeth and help you spend less time in the chair.

Energy And Sports Drinks Are More Harmful Than Soda

You’re undoubtedly aware that excessively sweetened beverages might cause tooth decay. But did you realize that drinking excessively acidic beverages might harm your teeth? That’s correct. Taurine, caffeine, guarana, and, of course, tons of sugar are all typical constituents in popular energy drinks. These components, together with excessive sugar levels, produce an unfavorable environment for your dental health. These high acid levels can damage your enamel over time, making your teeth more vulnerable to dental decay and cavities.

It Is Ok To Swallow Your Spit During Teeth Cleanings (But Try Not To)

Swallowing may be both an active and passive response. Many people find it difficult to resist the impulse to swallow while having their teeth cleaned. That’s OK. It does happen. St Peterburg FL Dentists and dental hygienists, on the other hand, utilize suction tools for a purpose. When you have your teeth cleaned, more than likely, spit accumulates at the back of your mouth. Extra water and scaler may be used by the hygienist to assist clean your teeth. Debris, tartar, and, in certain circumstances, blood from sensitive gums can also be present. Yuck! While all of this is perfectly safe to swallow, we utilize the suction tool, so you don’t have to.

Tell the hygienist if you find yourself resisting the impulse to swallow during your next tooth cleaning! They will enjoy the dialogue and the chance to make you feel more at ease. They may even let you hold the suction instrument in certain circumstances!

Contact 4th Street Dental Today For A Dental Cleaning

Have you scheduled your teeth cleaning appointments for 2022 yet? Call us to make an appointment now. It’s critical to have frequent visits to keep your pearly teeth in good shape, which is why we recommend visiting your 4th Street dentist every six months for a cleaning and checkup.

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Why Are My Teeth Sensitive?

Have you ever felt pain or discomfort after eating a scoop of hot soup or a piece of ice cream? If that’s the case, you’re not alone. While discomfort from hot or cold meals may indicate a cavity, it’s also typical in individuals who have sensitive teeth, states Brian Leeson, dentist in St. Petersburg. Tooth sensitivity, also known as “dentin hypersensitivity,” is a condition in which the teeth experience pain or discomfort in reaction to particular stimuli, such as hot or cold temperatures. This may leave you wondering, “Why are my teeth sensitive?”

Reasons for Tooth Sensitivity

It may be a momentary or long-term issue, and it can affect one tooth, several teeth, or all of a person’s teeth. Various factors may cause it, but most instances of sensitive teeth can be resolved with a simple modification in your dental hygiene routine as instructed by dentist in St. Pete.


As a result of specific triggers, people with sensitive teeth may suffer pain or discomfort. This discomfort may be felt at the roots of the impacted teeth. The following are some of the most prevalent triggers:

  • Meals and drinks that are heated
  • Drinks and meals that are cold
  • Acidic foods and beverages chilly air sweet foods and drinks
  • Alcohol-based mouth rinses after brushing or flossing teeth

Your symptoms may come and go for no apparent cause over time. They might vary in severity from minor to severe. If they become unbearable it is important to give your emergency dentist St. Pete a call.


Because their enamel is thinner, some individuals have more sensitive teeth than others. The enamel is the protective outer covering of the tooth. The enamel of a tooth may be worn away in several ways, including:

  • Toothbrushing too vigorously
  • Using a harsh toothbrush
  • Eating or drinking acidic foods

A variety of factors may cause tooth sensitivity. Acid reflux, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), may cause acid to rise from the stomach and esophagus, wearing down teeth over time. In addition, the acid may wear away the enamel in conditions like gastroparesis and bulimia, which induce recurrent vomiting.

Gum recession may expose unprotected parts of the tooth, resulting in insensitivity.

Tooth decay, fractured teeth, chipped teeth, and worn-down fillings or crowns may expose the tooth’s dentin, resulting in insensitivity. If this is the case, you will most likely just have sensitivity in one tooth or area of the mouth rather than the whole mouth.

Following dental procedures such as fillings, crowns, or teeth whitening, your teeth may be momentarily sensitive. Sensitivity will be limited to one tooth or the teeth around the tooth that got dental treatment in this situation. This should go away in a few days.


Make an appointment with 4th Street Family Dentistry if you are experiencing tooth sensitivity for the first time. Using our Healthline FindCare service, you may schedule an appointment with a dentist in your region. They may examine the condition of your teeth and search for issues such as cavities, loose fillings, or receding gums that might be causing the discomfort.

This is something your dentist can accomplish during a basic dental cleaning. First, they’ll clean your teeth and examine them visually. They may use dental equipment to feel your teeth for sensitivity, and they may also order an X-ray to rule out reasons such as cavities.


You may attempt over-the-counter dental remedies if your tooth sensitivity is minor.

Select toothpaste that is particularly formulated for sensitive teeth. This toothpaste will not have any irritating components and may contain desensitizing compounds that prevent pain from reaching the tooth’s nerve.

Alcohol-free mouthwash is preferable since it is less irritating to sensitive teeth when it comes mouthwash.

Brushing softly and with softer toothbrushes might also help. Soft toothbrushes will be marked.

These cures usually need multiple applications to be practical. But, within a week, you should see a difference.

If non-prescription toothpaste and mouthwash don’t work, speak to your dentist about prescription toothpaste and mouthwash. In-office fluoride gel or prescription-grade desensitizing medications may also be used. These may assist in safeguarding your teeth by strengthening the enamel.

Treating Medical Conditions

Our friend Dr. Ben Kacos, Shreveport dentist, states that if underlying issues are causing your tooth sensitivity, you should address them before the enamel wears away and the teeth become damaged.

Brushing more gently and maintaining proper dental hygiene might help heal receding gums. In addition, your dentist may propose a gum transplant in situations of extreme sensitivity and pain caused by significant gum recession. This technique involves removing tissue from the palate and putting it over the tooth’s root to protect it.

By being conscious of not clenching or grinding your teeth throughout the day, you may learn to cease doing so. Reduced stress and caffeine use before bedtime may also help you avoid nighttime teeth grinding. If this doesn’t work, you may wear a mouthguard at night to protect your teeth from grinding.

Will It Go Away?

Talk to your dentist about a remedy if your tooth sensitivity is making it difficult to eat. Over-the-counter toothpaste and mouthwashes for sensitive teeth are widely available.

Consult your dentist about prescription toothpaste and mouthwash if they don’t work. If you have signs of cavities or possible root damage, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist right away so that you may obtain treatment and avoid consequences. These signs and symptoms might include:

  • A toothache out of nowhere
  • Localized sensitivity
  • Sharp pain
  • Staining of teeth
  • Pain when biting or chewing

If any of these symptoms occur be sure to contact our office as soon as possible.

Gum Health Tips

Gum Health Tips

Gum Health Tips

When it comes to excellent oral hygiene, teeth sometimes receive all of the focus. Gum care, on the other hand, is equally vital for keeping your mouth and the rest of your body healthy. Luckily, there are many gum health tips you can use at home to better take care of your dental health. Read on to learn more from our Dentist in St. Petersburg

National Gum Care Month

September is National Gum Care Month, making it the perfect opportunity to discuss gum health.  Below, Dr. Brian Leeson, our dentist in St. Pete, shares his top gum health tips. 

Correctly Clean Your Teeth & Gums

Brushing your teeth not only cleans them, but also stimulates your gums. However, our dentist 33704 explains this entails the following:

  • First, make sure you are using a soft bristle brush.
  • Next, brush your teeth at a 45-degree angle along the gum line.
  • In addition, make sure to brush all tooth surfaces, including the interior, exterior, and chewing surfaces. Ensure that you are brushing your teeth for two minutes at least twice a day.

Use the Proper Toothpaste.

In the grocery store’s oral care section, you’ll find a seemingly infinite variety of toothpaste. Fluoride, tartar-fighting powers, enamel protection, and safe, effective chemicals are distinguishing features of high-quality toothpaste, as shown by the American Dental Association (ADA) Seal of Acceptance.

Aside from these characteristics, seek for toothpaste with a nice flavor and texture, as well as optional extras like whitening and a sensitive formula. If you are prone to canker sores, avoid toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate, as well as toothpaste that is excessively abrasive.

Floss Daily

To begin, flossing eliminates food and plaque from between the teeth and along the gum line. Tartar may develop if this material is not removed. This hard bacteria accumulation hurts your gums and can lead to gum disease. Thus, Dr. Leeson, the best dentist in St. Pete, suggests making flossing a regular ritual. It makes no difference when you do it – in the morning, after lunch, in the evening, before or after brushing your teeth—just do it!

Use a Therapeutic Mouthwash 

While there are several mouthwash formulations available, they always fall into one of two main categories: aesthetic and medicinal. Cosmetic rinses reduce bad breath momentarily and leave a pleasant aftertaste in the mouth. They do not, however, have any long-term chemical or biological consequences.

Dr. Hoang, Bethlehem GA dentist, suggests using therapeutic mouthwash. We agree. This type of mouthwash contains active ingredients that successfully decrease plaque, eliminate bacteria that cause foul breath, combat tooth decay, and help prevent gingivitis. Look for the following components on a mouthwash container to help you recognize it as therapeutic:

Visit the Dentist Regularly

Your dentist will examine the general health of your mouth and look for signs of gum disease. Following that, a professional cleaning eliminates any plaque that you may have missed when brushing. Only expert dental instruments, such as scrapers and ultrasonic machines, can remove dark tartar stains from your teeth.

Regular dental checkups can detect gum disease in its early stages, known as gingivitis. At this time, it is possible to reverse the damage and avoid the development of more serious periodontal disease.

Give Up Smoking

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), smoking is a major cause of serious gum disease. Because smoking lowers your immune system, it makes it more difficult for your gums to recover if they get infected or damaged. If you use tobacco in any form, your chance of gum disease doubles, and the risk increases as you smoke more and for a longer period of time.

Watch What You Eat

Your diet can have an immediate influence on the health of your teeth and gums. Reduce the use of hazardous foods such as soda, alcohol, sweets, and starchy meals. Replace them with these better-for-your-mouth alternatives, such as fruit, dairy products, and foods with fluoride. 

Prioritize Proper Gum Care

National Gum Care Month is a fantastic opportunity to reevaluate your dental health practices, but to avoid gum disease, you must be diligent all year. Contact 4th St. Family Dentistry today to schedule your next cleaning.

Schedule Your Dental Cleaning

schedule your dental cleaning

Schedule Your Biannual Dental Cleaning

To promote healthy teeth and gums, dental cleanings and regular check-ups should be or become a regular component of your dental care. Our dentist in St. Petersburg recommends that you have your teeth cleaned and check-ups twice a year. Of course, if you have more problems with your teeth and gums (for example, cavities, tooth loss, gingivitis, or periodontal disease), we recommend that you see Dr. Brian Leeson more frequently. Let this blog serve as a reminder to schedule your dental cleaning.

What is the significance of dental cleanings?

Dental cleanings are essential for maintaining good dental hygiene. Bacteria can accumulate in your mouth and create dental problems such as gingivitis, dental caries, discoloration, and even dental abscess if you do not practice good oral hygiene. Furthermore, it is crucial to realize that dental cleaning does not only comprise regular brushing and flossing. There’s more to it than that. Although self-cleaning is essential, seeing your dentist in St. Pete for regular check-ups is also beneficial. They see things that you cannot see, like the cracks and crevices between your teeth. In the long term, this prevents dental disorders.

Why is it vital to get frequent dental check-ups?

It is critical to have frequent dental check-ups every 6 months so that your dentist can detect any changes in your oral health. If there are any problems, they will be recognized early on and will be easy to resolve.

Furthermore, your dentist may be able to detect any medical conditions you may be experiencing. There is, for example, a clear link between periodontal disease and heart disease. If your dental exam reveals the beginnings of periodontal disease, you should see your primary care provider for further evaluation and diagnosis.

What can you expect from your dental exam?

A standard dental check-up consists of two key components: a history and an examination. These are pretty much the same across the country. We asked our friends at College Hill Dental Group, Easton PA dentist, if their standard exams looked similar to ours. They agreed that the following steps are similar at their practice. First, your dentist will ask you about your recent medical history and examine your mouth during your visit.

Medical Background

Your medical history is a significant factor in determining your risk of acquiring oral health problems (e.g., tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer). Your dentist may ask you questions about your lifestyle, such as eating habits, smoking, alcohol consumption, brushing, and so on. In addition, if you have a history of dental disorders, you will be asked about it.


Your hygienist will clean your teeth first, followed by a comprehensive examination of your oral mucosa, teeth, gums, the top and bottom of your mouth, and your neck for symptoms of illness, cavities, or cancer. Plaque buildup can result in cavities, gum inflammation (gingivitis), or painful red, puffy, bleeding gums (periodontal disease). If you have any of these dental issues, your dentist will advise you on the best course of action.


X-rays are often ordered once a year as part of a standard annual dental check-up. These photos assist the dentist in determining whether or not your teeth have changed over time. X-rays may also be requested for people who have toothaches or other dental issues. These photos will assist the dentist in determining the best course of treatment.

Screening for Oral Cancer

The goal of an oral cancer screening is to detect mouth cancer early, when there is a better possibility of curing it. Your dentist examines your lips, mouth, and neck for cancer indications such as a lump, plaque, or ulcer in the oral cavity and swollen lymph nodes in the neck. This is why it is so important to schedule your dental cleaning.

Bite Evaluation

Dr. Brian Leeson will determine whether or not your jaw is in good condition. If you are having difficulty biting or grinding your food, he will interpret. Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ), or jaw joint, is also evaluated for this purpose. You will be asked to bite normally, and the dentist will listen carefully for any clicking or popping sounds. Your doctor will also palpate your jaw and look for soreness.

Schedule your biannual cleaning today

As you can see, biannual dental cleanings are an important component of your overall health.  For optimal oral health, we strongly urge you to come see us at 4th Street Family Dentistry for a professional dental cleaning twice a year. Contact our team today to schedule your next visit.

Choosing the Best Dentist in St. Petersburg FL

choosing the best dentist in St Petersburg FL

Choosing the Best Dentist in St. Petersburg FL

If the thought of going to the dentist makes you nervous, you’re not alone. However, your dentist is your oral health partner. Routine dental examinations and treatment by your St. Petersburg FL dentist can help keep your teeth, mouth, and gums healthy and prevent dental disease. Furthermore, poor oral health can contribute to other health risks, such as cardiovascular disease. How do you go about choosing the best dentist in St. Petersburg FL for you? Here are some important considerations to bear in mind.

1. Obtain Referrals

Begin by compiling a list of potential dentists in St Pete. To do so, seek advice from family, friends, and other healthcare providers. Investigate the dentists’ credentials and experience on As you narrow down your options, contact each dentist’s office and request a consultation appointment to meet and interview the dentist.

2. Examine the Dentist’s Credentials

When selecting a dentist, one of the most important factors to consider is board certification. It certifies that the dentist has the necessary training, skills, and experience to provide general dentistry care. Also, ensure that the dentist has no prior malpractice claims or disciplinary actions. 

3.Think about the Dentist’s Experience 

When it comes to oral health, experience counts. The more experience a dentist has with a condition or procedure, the better the outcome. Additional education is required for dental specialties such as orthodontics and endodontics. Inquire about the dentist’s experience treating patients with your specific condition. If you have dental anxiety, speak with your dentist about successful approaches he or she has used with other anxious patients. If you know you need a specific procedure, find out how many the dentist has performed and learn about complication rates—both the complications the dentist has encountered and your own risk of complications.

4. Capabilities of the best dentist in St. Petersburg FL

Dentists can use telecommunications technology, such as two-way video, smartphones, and email, to diagnose and treat some patients; this is known as telehealth explains the best dental camera manufacturer, Digital Doc. Inquire if the dentist provides telehealth services. Telehealth does not replace hands-on in-person office visits, but it does mean fewer trips to the dentist for many patients. Some conditions can be managed by sending symptoms and vital signs collected at home, as well as having a “virtual visit” with your provider. Telehealth is also useful for routine check-ups and minor complaints, making it a convenient option. Check to see if your health insurance covers telehealth services.

5. Assess Communication Style

Choose a dentist with whom you feel at ease talking and who understands your information needs. When you meet the dentist for the first time, ask a question and observe how he or she responds. Is he or she open to your questions and does he or she respond in a way that you can understand? Did you feel rushed or engaged when you left? Choose a St Petersburg dentist who is interested in getting to know you, will take your treatment preferences into account, and will respect your decision-making process.

7. Examine Patient Feedback

Reading what other people have to say about a dentist can give you an idea of how he or she practices general dentistry and runs his or her dental practice. Patient reviews typically reflect people’s experiences with scheduling appointments, wait times, the office environment, and the friendliness of the office staff. You can find out how well patients trust the dentist, how much time he or she spends with patients, and how well he or she answers questions.

Have you decided that 4th Street Family Dentistry is the right place for you? Contact us to schedule your appointment!