What To Do When Dental Emergency Happens?

What To Do When Dental Emergency Happens?

What To Do When You Need Immediate Dental Care

Whether it’s a knocked-out tooth, a sudden toothache, or an infection, dental emergencies in St. Pete FL can happen to anyone. They require immediate attention from a professional dentist near you. Here at 4th Street Family Dentistry in St. Pete FL, we are here for all of your dental needs and can provide assistance with any dental emergency you may experience. Let’s take a look at what you should do if you find yourself in the midst of a dental emergency.

Remain Calm and Call Your Dentist

The first step is to remain calm and contact your St Pete dentist as soon as possible. Depending on the situation, they may be able to provide same-day care or advise on the best course of action for your specific circumstances. It’s important to call them right away so they can help guide you through the steps necessary to alleviate your discomfort and address the issue before it gets worse.

Prevent Further Damage

In some cases, such as a knocked-out tooth or broken dental appliance, you may be able to prevent further damage by taking certain steps before visiting the dentist. For example, if you have lost a tooth due to trauma, place it in a cup of milk until you can get professional medical attention — this can help preserve your natural teeth and increase your chances of saving them. If you have broken a denture or other appliance, try not to wear it until it has been properly repaired by your dentist; doing so could cause further damage and make the repair more difficult.

Follow Up Care

Once your emergency has been addressed and treated by one of our professionals here at 4th Street Family Dentistry in St Pete FL, follow-up care will be necessary depending on the severity of the situation. This might include antibiotics or painkillers prescribed by our doctors as well as additional visits for further treatment such as fillings or root canals if needed. Following up with these treatments is key; failure to do so could lead to further complications and potentially even more severe issues down the line which could be costly both financially and medically.

Contact 4th Street Family Dentistry

Dental emergencies are never fun but they don’t always have to mean panic either! By remaining calm and contacting us here at 4th Street Family Dentistry in St Pete FL right away we can provide guidance on how best to handle the situation before visiting our office for treatment if needed. We understand that time is often of the essence when dealing with dental emergencies which is why we strive to provide quick yet effective care! Contact us today if you ever need immediate dental care!

In-Office vs. Take-Home Whitening

In-Office vs. Take-Home Whitening – The Differences

A number of teeth-whitening techniques can restore the luster to your smile. There are advantages and disadvantages to lightening up at the dentist’s office or at home with an at-home kit. Today on the blog, Dr. Brian Leeson, a Dentist in St. Petersburg, covers the difference between in-office vs. take-home whitening.

Products for the Home

First, you can use teeth whitening strips. One of the biggest benefits of teeth whitening strips is that they are simple to utilize. Because the whitening chemical in the product is only in touch with your teeth for a brief period of time, your teeth will gradually get brighter. After you’ve whitened your teeth, rinses can help prevent new stains.

Additionally, you can use toothpaste that brightens your teeth over time. It contains chemicals that, when gently brushed, erase surface stains and may give progressive brightness. However, our St. Pete dentist explains that people have tooth sensitivity as a result of using these products.

Lastly, you can use trays to whiten. These are filled with gel and are placed over your teeth. They can quickly whiten your choppers. However, because the trays in at-home kits are not custom-made, they are more prone to rub and irritate your gums. Make sure you carefully follow the instructions on the packaging.

In-Office Whitening

The most popular method we use for Professional teeth whitening St. Petersburg includes the use of custom-made trays loaded with bleaching solutions that fit snugly over your teeth. Because your dentist in St. Pete will be supervising the operation, a stronger bleaching solution than what is offered in-home kits can be utilized. In that instance, a light or heat source might be utilized to accelerate the process.

Another alternative is to have custom-made whitening trays produced for you to use at home. We offer that as well at 4th Street Family Dentistry. Our friends over at Kissing Camels Family Dentistry, cosmetic dentist Colorado Springs, also allows their patients to get in-house whitening or take home as well.

Which Is the Best Option for You?

At-home whiteners are simple to use and reasonably priced. If your teeth or gums are sensitive, however, custom-made trays from your dentist’s office may help you prevent discomfort.

Because professional solutions used by your dentist are usually stronger than those used in over-the-counter kits, your teeth may whiten faster. They can also keep sensitive gums from becoming more inflamed.

Professional Teeth Whitening in St. Pete

Do you feel ashamed or self-conscious about your yellow teeth. We can assist you. At 4th Street Family Dentistry, we provide both in-office and take-home teeth whitening procedures to help you get rid of those stubborn stains. Our teeth whitening procedures are both quick and inexpensive! Visit our St. Petersburg dentistry to choose which teeth whitening procedure is ideal for your smile.