Benefits of Invisalign

benefits of invisalign st pete dentist

When you first meet someone, one of the first things you notice is their grin. As follows, straight smiles typically increase self-esteem and make people feel fabulous. However, if you are unhappy with your grin, it could lower your self-esteem. Many people have dental issues such as crowded teeth, an overbite, or an underbite. Luckily, straightening your teeth is now easier than ever. At 4th Street Family Dentistry, Dr. Brian Leeson is proud to now offer Invisalign St. Pete to our patients. Below, our dentistry explains the advantages of Invisalign and how it compares to other teeth-straightening procedures.

What Exactly Is Invisalign?

Invisalign, sometimes known as “invisible aligners,” is a fantastic solution for tooth issues. Using clear guidelines, teeth are aligned to their proper position. The translucent guides fit over your teeth and are nearly invisible to others. When it comes to the debate between Invisalign and braces, each choice has advantages and disadvantages. However, you may be surprised by the benefits of Invisalign.

What Are the Benefits of Invisalign?

Invisalign provides comfort, ease of cleaning, less time at your St. Pete dentist office, and so much more. Below, your dentist near me lists each all of the benefits of Invisalign.

Invisalign is Affordable

The Invisalign process is known for its affordability because there is no need for costly office visits. With Invisalign® clear aligners, you only pay for the treatment plan that is best for your specific circumstance, rather than a one-size-fits-all approach.

Invisalign is Less Challenging to Clean Than Braces

We’ve all heard that conventional braces are difficult to keep clean. Whether you’re eating out or at home, keeping your teeth and brackets clean is a chore. Luckily, it is simple to remove the aligner trays while using Invisalign. Brush them gently with toothpaste and warm water before reinstalling them in your mouth.

Invisalign Requires Fewer Visits to the Office

Metal braces need a visit to the dentist to tighten the rubber bands or wires. In contrast, Invisalign allows you to participate in activities while your teeth are repositioned and aligned.

When you begin the Invisalign treatment program, you will be given aligner trays for the present and subsequent stages. Also, receiving the trays in advance helps you proceed to the following without returning to the office.

No Food Changes

Because the aligners are removable, you may eat and drink whatever you want with Invisalign. This cuts down on time it takes to clean your teeth afterward. However, before reinstalling the aligners, make sure to cleanse your mouth and brush your teeth.

Improve Your Appearance With Invisalign

Orthodontic patients, particularly adults, do not want to be noticed. Because of the transparent aligner trays, Invisalign allows you to conceal your dental treatment. Unless you tell them, no one needs to know you’re using aligners.

Increased Comfort

Even if you’ve never worn braces, you’re aware of the problems with pain. Our friend Dr. Oberst, Lexington KY dentist, explains that traditional braces function by applying tension to the brackets and wires in order to realign the teeth. Tightening the brackets generates soreness until the pressure is relieved, resulting in a cycle of suffering.

When using Invisalign, the person may remove the trays to eat, clean, and floss their teeth. In addition, invisalign reduces the annoyance of pain and scraping on your tongue, face, or gums.

Invisalign Can Be Used for Everyone!

Children, teenagers, and adults are all safe to use Invisalign. While children aged 8 to 12 are watched for tooth abnormalities and the possible usage of braces, many dentists recommend waiting until your child is 13 or 14 to get Invisalign.

Invisalign Resolves Dental Issues

Each person’s dental troubles are unique. Some of the alignment issues that necessitate braces or Invisalign are as follows:

  • Crossbite with Crowded Teeth
  • Teeth Gaps Misaligned Teeth Open Bite
  • Overbites & Underbites
  • Crooked Teeth

The use of orthodontics assists with bite and crowding concerns, which reduces the incidence of cavities and gum disease. It is advised that you make an appointment with your dental expert to explore your treatment choices. Consult your dentist in St Pete if you wish to receive Invisalign.

Contact 4th Street Family Dentistry for Invisalign Treatment in St Petersburg

Ready to get started on your Invisalign journey? We’re ready to help you smile with confidence! Please contact our Dentist in St Petersburg today to learn more about your options. This affordable and efficient treatment works so well to straighten your smile and boost your confidence.

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Celebrating Dental Hygiene Month

national dental hygiene month - 4th Street Family Dentistry

Celebrating Dental Hygiene Month

4th Street Family Dentistry will be celebrating Dental Hygiene Month all month long! Our staff has compiled a list of home dental hygiene guidelines to help you keep a healthy smile. You can always rely on 4th Street Family Dentistry if you’re looking for a  family dentist in St. Pete, FL, or if you require dental services. 

If you have any questions regarding early warning signs or are due for a cleaning, please contact our dentist in St. Pete right away.

Brush 2x a Day

It’s important to brush a minimum of two times a day. If you can, brush after each meal. Your toothbrush should have soft bristles and be big enough to brush one to two at a time. We recommend using an ADA approved toothpaste. When brushing, focus on the inner, outer areas of your teeth and tongue. If you’re having trouble brushing for the full two minutes, sing the ABC’s three times! Also, Dr. Leeson recommends that patients change their toothbrush every 3-4 months. 

Floss Daily

Brushing your teeth alone will not remove all the debris and plaque that collect between your teeth. That’s why it’s just as important to floss as it is to brush your teeth.

How to Floss Properly: 

  • Use about 18 inches of dental floss and wrap it around two fingers, leaving about 1-2 inches of floss.
  • Holding the floss with your thumb and index finger, you will insert the floss between two teeth.
  • Gently move the floss up and down, rubbing it against each tooth (avoid hitting your gums).
  • Once you’ve reached your gum line, curve the floss, and move it back and forth between one of the teeth.
  • Move the floss to the next set of teeth, repeat the steps above.

Rinse With Mouthwash 

Mouthwash can help put a stop to plaque, gingivitis, bad breath, and tooth decay! There are plenty of mouthwashes to choose from. Choose a mouthwash that will help you meet your oral health goals. Dr. Chris Green, a dentist in Parker, CO, points out that not all mouthwashes are used the same. So, make sure you read the directions carefully.

We recommend using a mouthwash that is ADA approved—rinsing before or after brushing/flossing depends on the product.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Did you know there are benefits of chewing sugar-free gum after a meal?

Benefits of Chewing Sugar-Free Gum

  • It helps increase saliva, which washes away harmful bacteria & relieves dry mouth.
  • Helps dislodge food stuck in your teeth, preventing plaque buildup.

Connection Between Oral Health and Body

Many studies show a link between gum disease and other diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, and more. Additionally, those with high blood sugar are more at risk of developing gum disease. Those with diabetes are highly encouraged to visit their dentist for regular cleanings. As you can see, it’s very important to take care of your oral health. It’s not too late to make a change today.

Why We Celebrate National Dental Hygiene Month

At 4th Street Family Dentistry, we like to celebrate smiles. National Dental Hygiene Month is the perfect way to honor our community and staff members. It also helps us to take our oral health into our own hands. Set a good example for you and your little ones by following the tips above. If you have any questions about your oral health or would like to set up an appointment, please contact 4th Street Family Dentistry today.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in October 2020 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness. 

Root Canal FAQ

root canal FAQ - St. Petersburg, FL dentist

Root Canal FAQ

When most people hear the term “root canal,” they become terrified. A root canal does not have to be a scary experience with today’s cutting-edge technology and enhanced local anesthetic products, as well as some awareness. Root canals are a popular restorative dentistry treatment done at our dental office. In honor of Root Canal Awareness Week coming up, our dentist in St. Petersburg, FL, answers a brief root canal FAQ. 

What is the Purpose of a Root Canal? 

Dr. Leeson may recommend a root canal for a variety of reasons, including the following:

  • Your tooth infection that has spread to the nerves
  • Severe cavity
  • Damaged tooth
  • Cracked tooth
  • Broken tooth

What Exactly Is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental procedure used to prevent tooth loss and alleviate pain. The pulp within your teeth is made up of soft tissue blood, connective tissue, blood vessels, and nerves. When your tooth becomes infected, your St. Pete dentist will likely recommend root canal therapy. During this procedure, Dr. Leeson and his team will remove the contaminated pulp. Once the tooth is thoroughly cleaned and, your tooth will be sealed. Our friend, Dr. Hoang, a dentist in Bethlehem, GA, says that patients are usually given a dental crown to fully restore the tooth and prevent any further damage. 

What Can I Expect During a Root Canal Procedure?

When you visit 4th Street Family Dentistry in St. Pete, FL, you can expect nothing but the best. Our team will welcome you with open arms and make sure you feel right at home. Our team will ask you some general questions before numbing the tooth. The root canal procedure will begin once the area has been numbed.

The length of time it takes to complete your root canal depends on the number of roots that need to be treated. The majority of teeth have one root canal, while others have two or four. The operation for a single canal normally takes less than an hour. The more canals your tooth has, the longer it may take. In some situations, patients may have to come back for another visit. This will all be discussed with you beforehand. 

Does Root Canal Therapy Hurt?

One of the most common questions our patients ask us is, does root canal therapy hurt? With the right dental technology and team, your procedure will be completely painless. You may feel some discomfort after your procedure, but this is all manageable. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen, naproxen, or acetaminophen should help. Dr. Leeson can prescribe a prescription dose of pain medication in some cases. Within two days, you should feel much better and be able to resume your normal routine.

Contact Your Dentist in St. Pete 

Now that you’ve read through our root canal FAQ, you should be able to better understand root canal therapy. Be sure to contact 4th Street Family Dentistry for dental services, including emergency dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, and preventative dentistry. Give us a call to schedule your appointment today!

Must-Knows About Children’s Oral Health

must knows about children oral health St pete

Must-Knows About Children’s Oral Health

February is National Children’s Oral Health Month! To celebrate, our St. Pete, FL family dentist is sharing oral health tips all month long. Creating good oral health habits at a young age is so important to prevent oral health-related illnesses. The American Dental Association recommends that children visit the dentist every six months after they turn one year old or after their first tooth erupts. On today’s blog, we’re sharing all the must-knows about children’s oral health

Oral Health Tips #1: It’s Not Too Soon To Start Brushing

Many parents are surprised that it’s never too early to start brushing children’s teeth. However, you should handle brushing your infant’s teeth differently than you handle your own. Infant teeth and gum wipes can be used by parents to swab their child’s gums before teeth come in. This gentle practice helps maintain optimal gum health by slowing the development of bacteria in the mouth and tongue. Teeth and gum wines can be found at your local supermarket!  

For brushing, you can start with a soft-bristled baby toothbrush once your child has at least one tooth. Our friend and pediatric dentist Bethlehem GA, Dr. Uyen recommends parent use a small grain-sized dab of fluoride toothpaste and a gentle brush after breakfast and after dinner. 

Oral Health Tips #2: Try Fluoride Toothpaste

It is safer to begin brushing with fluoride toothpaste. Many of our parents grew up with a training toothpaste, something that was ‘healthy when swallowed.’ As soon as your baby gets his or her first tooth, you should start brushing with fluoride. Again, for your infant, use a grain-sized toothpaste dab. About the time the child reaches three, you can then use a pea-sized dab.

Oral Health Tips #3: Visit Your 4th Street Dentist Often

Around the time of his or her 1st birthday, your child should visit our St. Pete dentist, Dr. Leeson. Adults usually ought to visit the dentist twice a year, and the same applies to your children. An oral exam will be performed by a pediatric dentist and a dental history will begin. Are you prone to cavities? Your child might be as well, but if you start early and maintain regular dental appointments, this can help prevent cavities or other dental health issues. 

Oral Health Tips #4: Help Your Child Focus On Their Brushing Technique 

Usually, children are old enough to begin brushing their own teeth between the ages of 3 and 5. Two minutes of brushing with the bristles towards the gums in tiny circles for each tooth is a good rule. This will prevent plaque build up on the surfaces and spaces of your teeth. That means on the top right and left and on the bottom right and left for around 30 seconds each. 2 minutes may seem like a long time, especially for kids who don’t have all their teeth, it might not take a full 2 minutes.

Oral Health Tips #5: Make Flossing On a Regular Basis Fun

Most parents assume that before the permanent teeth come in, children do not need to floss. However, as soon as your teeth meet one another, you can start flossing. No matter how good you wash, when you touch your teeth, there are areas that cannot be reached. Disposable flossers that are intended for little children to perform well. 

4th Street Family Dentistry knows how busy life can get. This year, make you and your child’s oral health a priority. Good dental care is critical for the growth and overall health of a child. If you have any questions or concerns about your family’s oral health, contact our dental office in St. Petersburg, FL.

Finding the Best Cosmetic Dentist in St. Pete

Finding the Best Cosmetic Dentist in St. Pete FL

Finding the Best Cosmetic Dentist in St. Pete

Besides the health of your teeth, their appearance is just as critical to your self-esteem. If you’re like a lot of people, sadly, you probably don’t like how they look. You don’t have to live with your chipped, discolored, or unattractive teeth. You can get a smile from a cosmetic dentist in St. Pete, but who is the best cosmetic dentist? Here are five easy tips for finding the best cosmetic dentist in St. Pete.

Qualifications & Experience

There are many dentists providing cosmetic services in the city, but not all have undergone additional training to specialize in complex cosmetic treatments. You don’t want to put that smile in just anyone’s hands. You deserve to take advantage of the best cosmetic services in St. Pete. Look for a dentist who has completed specialized training in cosmetic dentistry. Often, search to see if they are part of a number of accreditations, such as the American Dental Association.

Various Services

You require more than just a cookie-cutter treatment plan to achieve the smile of your dreams. To get exactly what you want, you should have multiple choices, so take the time to look at the different dental services offered. Dr. O’Grady, a cosmetic dentist in Denver Highlands, CO, recommends finding a dentist who offers everything you and your family could need. That way you don’t have to see a specialist if you need an extraction someday. So, when looking for a cosmetic dentist, choose a dental office that includes a range of treatments, such as veneers, teeth whitening, Invisalign, and more.

Conveniently Located in St. Petersburg, FL 

We completely understand; life is busy. We want you to achieve the smile of your dreams, which should not feel like a chore! Choose a dentist that is convenient for you and your schedule. Luckily, 4th Street Family Dentistry is conveniently located for St. Petersburg, FL residents. We are also open five days a week and offer emergency dental services. 

Affordable Dental Services

Unfortunately, most insurance plans will not cover cosmetic care unless they also have restorative benefits. It’s likely you’ll need to pay out-of-pocket as a result. To lower the price of your cosmetic treatment, pick a dentist who partners with your insurance provider. Also, search for one who offers dental savings plans.

Testimonials & Reviews

You will learn a lot about a dentist and their staff by taking the time to read online reviews and testimonials. Patients are usually brutally honest when sharing their experiences online. If you’re looking for a cosmetic dentist in St. Pete, FL, consider looking at their work. Also, look on their Instagram or Facebook page to see if any before and after photos of recent cosmetic patients. This will make choosing your cosmetic dentist that much easier. So, to help make the right decision for your smile, you will have a clear understanding of the level of treatment and outcomes you would expect to get.

Choose the Best Dentist in St. Pete

Cosmetic dentistry can be costly, but it’s worth the investment. You deserve a happy and healthy smile that you are proud of. That being said, take the time and do your research when looking for a cosmetic dentist. If you’re in the St. Pete, FL area, Dr. Leeson will help you achieve a confident, beautiful smile that is made to last.

Why Dr. Leeson as Your St. Petersburg, FL Dentist

After practicing in private practice in the Tampa Bay area for the last few years, Dr. Leeson has chosen to start his own practice in the neighborhood he lives in and loves. Some of the cosmetic dentistry services offered at 4th Street Family Dentistry include teeth whitening, dental veneers, dental crowns, dental bonding, and more.

Dr. Leeson earned his dental degree from Temple University in Philadelphia. He loves giving back to his friends. He works with local charity Tampa Bay Watch where he is committed to contributing a portion of all new patient sales to support non-profit efforts to restore the bay and keep our beaches safe. 

He also works annually with the Florida Project Mercy Outreach Program, which offers free dentistry to the underserved community. When he’s not practicing Dentistry, Dr. Leeson and his wife spend much of their free time cooking, brewing beer, playing sports, and just enjoying the outdoors. 

How to Repair a Broken Dental Crown

4th Street Family Dentistry - How to fix a broken crown

How to Repair a Broken Dental Crown in St. Pete

Sturdy as they may seem, our teeth aren’t immune to damage. Your teeth are susceptible to tooth decay and physical trauma. That’s where dental crowns come in. Said to be the single most productive procedure performed in dental practices, dental crowns are effective ‘caps’ that are placed over damaged teeth to restore their shape, size, strength, and appearance.

Dental crowns are usually used when the tooth is too damaged for dental fillings to restore functionality properly. On average, dental crowns can last between five to fifteen years, depending on the amount of wear and tear and your oral hygiene practices. But did you know crowns can get chipped or broken just like regular teeth? If you notice a chip or fracture in your crown, contact 4th Street Family Dentistry for emergency treatment. 

Before you had your crowns installed, you probably had a conversation with your dentist in St. Petersburg, FL, to determine the type of crown that will work best for you. Crowns are usually made from a variety of different materials, and this determines how resistant they will be to damage. Ceramic and resin crowns are usually the least durable, while crowns made from base metal alloys, gold alloys, and porcelain fused with metal are highly durable.

Signs Your Dental Crown is Fractured or Broken

The best dentists in St. Petersburg, FL, will tell you that spotting a cracked or broken crown may not be easy, especially if you don’t visit the dentist regularly. Digital Doc, the maker of the best intraoral cameras, says that cracks may start out small, making it almost impossible for you to spot them with the naked eye. Seeing your St. Pete dentist twice a year will allow them to catch the issue and treat it while it’s still early.

If the crack isn’t treated soon enough, you may notice increased pain or sensitivity. The sensitivity will occcur while chewing, sensitivity to hot or cold foods, or bleeding at the affected tooth. A crown may break due to a blow to the face, a fall, grinding your teeth, wear and tear, or biting down on something hard. If your crown gets broken from physical trauma or chips off as you chew, contact an emergency dentist in St. Pete for treatment.

In certain circumstances, a painful crown may be a sign that the underlying tooth is the issue. If it can no longer support the crown, your dentist in St. Petersburg may have to extract it and install a dental implant to restore the tooth’s functionality.

What You Should Do if Your Dental Crown Breaks

While broken crowns aren’t usually considered an emergency, you may require emergency treatment if caused by a fall or blow to the face and cause intense pain. If you notice it, the first thing you ought to do is examine the area to see the extent of the damage before contacting a dentist in St. Pete for further guidance. Get a mirror and study the affected area if the broken crown is visible. Use your tongue to check for sensitivity. Are pieces of the crown missing or dislodged? Are there any jagged edges that may cut the inside of your mouth? Does the area feel sensitive to air or food?

While dentists don’t always recommend it, you may have to pull off the crown if there is a risk of swallowing it. If there is any bleeding, use a piece of gauze to gently apply pressure to the area. Dr. Ben Kacos, a sedation dentist in Shreveport, LA, says you can apply a little clove oil with a cotton swab or dental cement directly to the tooth surface if it feels sensitive. This will protect the remaining tooth and reduce the pain and sensitivity until you can finally see a dentist. 

Treatment for a Broken Crown

Make sure you see a dentist within 5-7 days of your dental crown breaking, even if it isn’t causing you too much pain. Leaving it for too long creates the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and leads to infection down the road. If you are afraid of brushing around the broken crown before your dentist’s appointment, you can use mouthwash or a saltwater solution after brushing to kill off bacteria.

The dentist will thoroughly clean and examine the remaining tooth and crown to assess the damage’s extent. If the crown is too damaged to be reapplied and the tooth is strong enough to hold a new dental crown, you will be fitted with a temporary crown while a new permanent crown is fabricated. Your St. Petersburg, FL dentist can also bond a composite resin to a porcelain crown to repair the crown if it has a minor crack or fracture. However, this requires a very specific porcelain repair kit, and not every dentist has it.

If it turns out that the underlying tooth was the problem, you may have to undergo a tooth extraction. Then have a dental implant installed once you heal. While they can be uncomfortable, broken dental crowns are entirely fixable. Whether through bonding with a composite resin or outright replacing them. Leaving a broken crown in could lead to more severe dental problems down the road. Are you looking for a dentist to fix a broken crown? Contact 4th Family Street Dentistry for emergency treatment today.

Root Canal Therapy Procedure

Root Canal Therapy Procedure - 4th Street Family Dentistry

Root Canal Therapy Procedure

For many people, the term root canal is scary. Plenty of folks believe that the treatment is extremely invasive and painful, but that is far from the truth. As we all know, most dental procedures are preventive, designed to treat issues and prevent them from becoming more severe down the road. Similarly, root canal therapy is known as one of the best and most effective dental treatments out there.

Root canal therapy is endodontic, meaning it treats the inside of the tooth. To get a good idea of what root canal therapy is, you’ll first have to get a better understanding of a tooth’s inner workings. With a good defense, however, you may never have to know what a root canal is. This includes practicing a consistent and thorough oral hygiene routine and visiting 4th Street Family Dentistry every six months to prevent any dental issues from progressing and becoming severe.

What is a Root Canal?

The teeth are made of three layers; enamel, the outermost protective layer, dentin, a hard layer below it, and soft tissue called the pulp. The pulp, which is located right in the middle of the tooth, contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. It extends from the crown of the tooth down to the tip of the roots inside the root canal.

It connects the nerves and blood vessels in the tooth to the ones in the jaw right below the tip of the tooth root. The pulp is crucial during the developmental stages as it aids in the tooth’s growth and development and supplies nutrients needed to sustain its growth. Once the tooth is fully mature, however, it can easily survive without the pulp. Root canal therapy essentially removes pulp that has been infected from the root canal. This saves the tooth and surrounding teeth from further degradation. But how does the pulp become infected?

It can happen in two ways, deep tooth decay or a fracture that creates an opening for bacteria to enter the pulp. All the best dentists in St. Petersburg, FL, recommend brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing for a good reason. If you don’t, bacteria in the mouth will feed on food debris and form plaque. 

Plaque is acidic, and it strips the enamel of minerals, resulting in tiny holes or openings. The cavities will eat into the enamel and dentin if they aren’t treated. Over time, the bacteria enters the pulp causing an infection. If you have dental decay, contact a St. Pete dentist near you to prevent it from progressing to something more severe like dental decay.

Root Canal Treatment Procedure

Once bacteria have breached the pulp and it becomes inflamed, an emergency root canal therapy in St. Petersburg becomes a necessity. If you don’t seek treatment from a dentist in St. Pete soon enough, the infection can spread to the surrounding nerves, bones, and other teeth. Root canal therapy removes the infected pulp from the root canal and fills the space with a rubbery filling material.

The treatment usually consists of two steps, the root canal therapy itself and other dental procedures to restore the function of the tooth. First, your St. Petersburg, FL dentist, Dr. Leeson will take an x-ray of the tooth to see the shape of the root canals and to determine if the surrounding bone shows any sign of infection. A local anesthetic will be applied to numb the area around the tooth and to make you more relaxed and at ease during the procedure.

Your dentist will then place a rubber sheet around the tooth to keep the area free from saliva and to prevent the bacteria in your mouth from entering the tooth. Once this is done, the dentist will drill a small access hole into the tooth using a dental drill. The pulp, along with the decayed nerve tissue, is removed from the root canal. A series of root canal files of increasing diameter will be inserted into the access hole and used to scrape and scrub the sides of the root canals while water or sodium hypochlorite is used for flushing away the debris.

Post Treatment

Some dentists in St. Petersburg prefer to wait a week before sealing the root canal, especially if the pulp was infected. In that case, they may put medication inside the root canal to clear up the infection before sealing it. In the meantime, a temporary filling is placed to keep out contaminants like saliva and food. Once the infection is cleared, the now hollow root canal is sealed with a soft, rubbery material.

Depending on your smile, you may have to undergo further dental treatments to restore 100% functionality. Our friend Dr. Ben Kacos, an endodontist in Shreveport, LA, says most dentists recommend a buildup to fill the hole in the middle where the access is made and a crown to protect the exterior of the tooth. You may experience some pain and discomfort for 3-4 days after the treatment, which is completely normal. If over the counter pain relievers do not work and you are in pain for five or more days after the root canal therapy, contact your emergency dentist in St. Pete immediately. 

Root canal therapy is a treatment designed to save the tooth, the surrounding teeth, and bone and to restore functionality. If you are suffering from deep tooth decay or had an injury to the teeth and are looking for a dentist for treatment, we’ve got your back. Contact 4th Street Family Dentistry for a consultation today.

The Benefits of Dentures

benefits of dentures - St. Petersburg Fl

The Benefits of Dentures

Right from your childhood, your teeth play a crucial role in both your physical and social development. A strong, healthy set of teeth allows you to chew and eat properly. Similarly, a beautiful, aesthetic smile can help you conquer the world with confidence. However, teeth don’t always last a lifetime. So, you may find yourself considering tooth replacement options down the road.

Dentures are among the top teeth replacement options for people who’ve lost two or more teeth. Every dentist in St. Petersburg would advise you to have a missing tooth replaced as soon as possible. Not only will it restore both the aesthetic and functional roles of your teeth, but it will also save you from experiencing more severe dental issues.

Types of Dentures Your Dentist May Recommend

  • Full dentures – Are used when the patient has lost all of the teeth. They consist of a removable lower and upper arch with a row of porcelain or acrylic made teeth. 
  • Partial dentures – Can be used to replace either the lower or upper arch of teeth. They work better for people who haven’t lost all of their teeth.
  • Implant-supported dentures – These dentures are often used with patients who have only lost some of their teeth. A thin metal bar with posts attached to it is implanted onto your jawbone, right under your gums. Once your gums heal, a denture is clipped onto the posts.

Best Benefits of Dentures

If you are missing two or more teeth, you may be a suitable candidate for dentures, so contact 4th Street Family Dentistry today for a consultation. It may be the first step between you and a strong, healthy set of teeth.   

They Prevent Bone Loss

When your natural teeth are firmly implanted in your jaw, they constantly stimulate the jawbone, keeping it in a state of perpetual regeneration at a cellular level. When teeth are lost and aren’t replaced, the jawbone doesn’t receive stimulation, and as time passes, the process of constant regeneration will stop and reverse, resulting in bone loss. Over time, more and more of your jawbone will be lost, eventually resulting in changes in your face’s shape.

Restores the Function of the Teeth

Although teeth serve an aesthetic purpose, their greatest role is functional. They enable you to bite and chew your food. This ability is compromised once you have gaps in your teeth. All types of dentures are designed to look and work like the real thing, and once they are installed, you’ll be able to eat your food with ease. 

They Improve Your Speech

When you speak, your tongue pushes against the back of the teeth to help you make the right sounds and speak properly. If you have one or more missing teeth, you may find it hard to pronounce certain words, leading to self-consciousness and difficulty speaking with others. With dentures, your tongue will have an adequate surface to push against, allowing you to speak clearly and confidently.

They Restore Your Appearance and Give You Confidence

A clean, bright smile is a major confidence booster. Additionally, your teeth prevent your lips and cheeks from collapsing inwards. With gaps in your teeth, you may feel self-conscious. Dr. Kristina Neda, a dentist in Georgetown, KY, says that most of her patients opt for dentures because of how great the transformation is.

You Will Have Fewer Diet Restrictions with Dentures

If you are missing most or all of your teeth, the number of foods you can comfortably eat is severely limited. Not only will this impact the quality of life you lead, but it may also affect your health if you aren’t getting enough nutrients. With dentures, the range of food you can comfortably bite and chew. So, you’ll be able to eat a diverse, healthy, and balanced diet without much pain or frustration.

Dentures Protect Your Remaining Teeth from Extensive Wear and Tear

If you still haven’t lost all of your teeth but do not undergo restorative dentistry, your remaining teeth will take on way too much stress. Dr. Chris Green, a cosmetic dentist in Parker, CO, says that handling a load that was meant for 32 teeth will cause your remaining teeth to wear down faster over time. With a well-fitted set of dentures, the load will be spread evenly among your teeth, sparing your teeth from too much wear and tear and extending their lifetimes.

As you can see, there are so many benefits of dentures! If you have lost all or most of your teeth, dentures may be the best solution for you. Statistics show that at least 48 million Americans are missing all of their teeth, so you’re not alone. Search “St. Pete dentist near me” to see whether dentures can work for you. They are great at restoring tooth aesthetics and functionality, and they will ultimately prevent bone loss and preserve the structure of your face. Contact 4th Street Family Dental today for a consultation.